iPhoto folder action creates extra copy of image after import

Hi everyone, I am a complete novice with AppleScript, and I know many of you will probably tell me to look at the tutorials, and I fully intend to, but because I am impatient, I would like some help NOW… :smiley:
So I created a workflow in Automator to import photos after sending them from my Kodak V610 camera and saved it as a plugin/folder action.
My question is, why is this script creating two of the same image after importing from the selected folder? (In one event)
My other question is: could someone explain to me how I can ‘delay’ the import by 10 minutes after the first download from the camera has taken place? So, in other words, I want enough time to copy a small batch of pictures over before the import takes place, and thus preventing iPhoto from creating multiple events.
Here is the script:

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	tell application "Macintosh HD:Users:oliverdelasti:Library:Workflows:Applications:Folder Actions:iPhoto Import.app"
		open added_items
	end tell
end adding folder items to

Some help would be much appreciated, even an idea about which thread I should check out…

Could you please list all the Actions in the workflow, indicating where this script resides?

I am having this exact issue. I created the script using automator. My script looks about the same as the OP.

  1. find finder items, in specific folder, where modification date is today
  2. import files into iphoto
    set as a folder action for the folder I drop Photoshop edited photos into so they automatically import into iphoto.

It works, but imports two copies of the same photo into iphoto. I have not solved this issue.

Another problem I had is that the import into iphoto command in Automator allows a check box to delete the source picture after import. It does move the picture to the trash, but then it locks up the trash so it can’t be emptied saying the trash is in use. I’m assuming somehow the script is using the trash somehow, but I don’t understand. A work around was to uncheck the box and manually delete the pictures from the source folder.