Hi everyone, I am a complete novice with AppleScript, and I know many of you will probably tell me to look at the tutorials, and I fully intend to, but because I am impatient, I would like some help NOW…
So I created a workflow in Automator to import photos after sending them from my Kodak V610 camera and saved it as a plugin/folder action.
My question is, why is this script creating two of the same image after importing from the selected folder? (In one event)
My other question is: could someone explain to me how I can ‘delay’ the import by 10 minutes after the first download from the camera has taken place? So, in other words, I want enough time to copy a small batch of pictures over before the import takes place, and thus preventing iPhoto from creating multiple events.
Here is the script:
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
tell application "Macintosh HD:Users:oliverdelasti:Library:Workflows:Applications:Folder Actions:iPhoto Import.app"
open added_items
end tell
end adding folder items to