IRC script - Spotify - shorten URL

hello all,

i have augmented a script i found to post spotify information into colloquy IRC.

right now it works, but the URL it posts as output is too long, i would like to use the API to shorten it.

how is/could this done in applescript?

here is the script in question, feel free to tear it apart, im a total n00b at this.

  Created by Tim Andersson (
 Augmented by Alex Herron
  If you redistribute the script, please give credit where it is due.
   This script requires Spotify >= 0.5.1
   To install it, place it in ~/Library/Application Support/Colloquy/PlugIns 
   and then type "/reload plugins" in Colloquy.
   To use it, type /spotify

using terms from application "Colloquy"
	on process user command cmd with arguments for view
		if cmd is equal to "spotify" then
			if application "Spotify" is running then
				tell application "Spotify"
					set is_playing to (player state is equal to playing)
					set is_paused to (player state is equal to paused)
					set has_played to (played count of current track > 0)
					if player state is not equal to stopped then
						set track_artist to artist of current track
						set track_name to name of current track
						set track_album to album of current track
						set track_plays to played count of current track
						set track_duration to duration of current track
						set track_minutes to (track_duration div minutes)
						set track_seconds to (track_duration mod minutes)
					end if
					if track_seconds < 10 then
						set track_seconds to "0" & track_seconds
						set output_time to track_minutes & track_seconds as text
						set output_time to track_minutes & track_seconds as text
					end if
					set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
					set track_uri to spotify url of current track
					set track_id to text item 3 of track_uri
				end tell
				if is_playing and has_played then
					set info_string to "is listening to " & track_name & " by " & track_artist & " from the album " & track_album & " [" & output_time & " - Plays: " & track_plays & " ]" & " (" & track_id & ")"
					tell view to send message info_string encoded as UTF8 with action tense
				else if is_playing then
					set info_string to "is listening to " & track_name & " by " & track_artist & " from the album " & track_album & " [" & output_time & "]" & " (" & track_id & ") "
					tell view to send message info_string encoded as UTF8 with action tense
				else if is_paused then
					tell view to add event message "Spotify is paused dummy."
					tell view to add event message "You're not playing anything in Spotify dummy."
				end if
				tell view to add event message "Spotify isn't running."
			end if
		end if
	end process user command
end using terms from

i found what i needed with curl. the following is the revised version of the above script:

  Created by Tim Andersson (
 Augmented by Alex Herron
  If you redistribute the script, please give credit where it is due.
   This script requires Spotify >= 0.5.1
   To install it, place it in ~/Library/Application Support/Colloquy/PlugIns 
   and then type "/reload plugins" in Colloquy.
   To use it, type /spotify

using terms from application "Colloquy"
	on process user command cmd with arguments for view
		if cmd is equal to "spotify" then
			if application "Spotify" is running then
				tell application "Spotify"
					set is_playing to (player state is equal to playing)
					set is_paused to (player state is equal to paused)
					set has_played to (played count of current track > 0)
					if player state is not equal to stopped then
						set track_artist to artist of current track
						set track_name to name of current track
						set track_album to album of current track
						set track_plays to played count of current track
						set track_duration to duration of current track
						set track_minutes to (track_duration div minutes)
						set track_seconds to (track_duration mod minutes)
					end if
					if track_seconds < 10 then
						set track_seconds to "0" & track_seconds
						set output_time to track_minutes & track_seconds as text
						set output_time to track_minutes & track_seconds as text
					end if
					set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
					set track_uri to spotify url of current track
					set track_id to text item 3 of track_uri
					set long_url to "" & track_id as text
					set short_url to (do shell script "curl '" & long_url & "'")
				end tell
				if is_playing and has_played then
					set info_string to "is listening to " & track_name & " by " & track_artist & " from the album " & track_album & " [" & output_time & " - Plays: " & track_plays & "]" & " [Listen: " & short_url & "]"
					tell view to send message info_string encoded as UTF8 with action tense
				else if is_playing then
					set info_string to "is listening to " & track_name & " by " & track_artist & " from the album " & track_album & " [" & output_time & "]" & " [Listen: " & short_url & "] "
					tell view to send message info_string encoded as UTF8 with action tense
				else if is_paused then
					tell view to add event message "Spotify is paused dummy."
					tell view to add event message "You're not playing anything in Spotify dummy."
				end if
				tell view to add event message "Spotify isn't running."
			end if
		end if
	end process user command
end using terms from

hopefully someone else can enjoy this script!