Is it possible to have multiple dialog boxes open at once?

Trying to cobble together a handler which will scan thru a Quark doc and check for the existence of a few style sheets.

I run it in a loop. When it finds one missing, the script pops open a dialog saying “the stylesheet x is missing”

What I would like is to somehow keep every dialog box open.

If it finds both stylesheets “header1” and “header3” missing, it will keep a dialog box open for each of them.

	tell document 1 of application "QuarkXPress"
		set stylshts to {"header1", "header2", "header3"}
		repeat with ThisText in stylshts
			set ThisText to ThisText as string
			if not (exists style spec ThisText) then
				display dialog ("You're missing the stylesheet" & return & ThisText) giving up after 1
			end if
		end repeat

I think I read somewhere that in order to do this I would have to have the Finder be the app displaying the dialogs. Can anyone tell me more?

This is not possible with a single script, but probably by using multiple scripts.
Or you could use Growl for the notification


You’re right, Growl would be ideal.

Unfortunately, I’d have to make sure its installed on every machine first, and I don’t know if my IT people would go for it.

Why not just one dialog box with all missing style sheets

tell document 1 of application "QuarkXPress"
		set stylshts to {"header1", "header2", "header3"}
		set missingStylshts to ""
		repeat with ThisText in stylshts
			if not (exists style spec ThisText) then
				set missingStylshts to missingStylshts & return & contents of ThisText
			end if
		end repeat
	   if missingStylshts is not "" then
	   		display dialog ("You're missing the stylesheet(s)" & missingStylshts) giving up after 1
	   end if

Yeah, that’s what I currently have. I was hoping to have a separate reminder for each style that was missing.

I’ll live…