I have an iTunes script I’ve run over 500 times, that starts by getting track info from a CD:
tell application “iTunes”
set theCD to source 1 whose kind is audio CD
Last week the script stopped working. I opened it to see this line changed to:
set theCD to («class cSrc» 1 whose «class pKnd» is «constant eSrckACD»)
I’ve seen scripts run with raw codes, but this would not. It would not recompile. I verified the startup disk, ran Onyx, deleted iTunes prefs, tried reinstalling iTunes, deleted Applescript prefs, and finally formatted my startup disk and reinstalled the OS. Right after the reinstall I checked the script and it worked again - yay - but after I finished the reinstall by opening various unrelated apps and resetting prefs etc. the script went back to its nonworking state. What should I look at or check at this point?
John R.
Model: iMac PPC G4
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
iTunes 9.2.1