itunes doesn't want to play video tracks

In iTunes I have a playlist called “video playlist” composed by video files and the script below doesn’t work. It gives me ’ Parameter error’
If I use audio files it works. what should I change ?

tell application "iTunes"
	play playlist "video playlist"
end tell

just a little bit wrong with the order of your syntax
this will work

tell application "iTunes"
   tell playlist "video playlist" to play
end tell

actually it still gives me the ‘parameter’ error. i noticed it does that if the shuffle is ON. if you need to keep the shuffle on you need to select in iTunes each movie file and and select from the menu ‘File’ - ‘Get Info’ and then click on the ‘Option’ tab and uncheck ’ Skip when shuffling’ and ‘remember playback position’. the problem is that you can’t even do that on many files at once, you need to do it one by one and it sucks if you have a large number of files.