iTunes : help required


I use iTunes playlists to feed my webradio (kokomo dot fr)

Unfortunately, regularly, iTunes stop playing without reason (the application doesn’t quit).

I have change evereything I can change : my computer, itunes & Os version, external Hard Drive but nothing stop this bug.

So, can anyone help me with a script that force (oblige) iTunes to start to play when it stop or to always be in “play” mode.

thank you very much


Model: mac mini + iTunes 7.0.2 + NICECAST + ext HD FW
AppleScript: last one
Browser: SAFARI
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Hi Jerome,

This idle handler checks every 5 minutes:

on idle
	tell application "iTunes"
		if player state is stopped then play
	end tell
	return 5
end idle

You save it as a stay open application.


It works perfectly well.


Thats every 5 seconds folks. To get five minutes return 300 or return 5 * minutes

Oops. :slight_smile:


I’ve just change my old mac mini (10.4.11) with a brand new but this little script doesn’t work with mac OS X 10.6.8 :frowning:

on idle
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is stopped then play
end tell
return 1
end idle

Sometimes iTunes stop without reasons and I would like to force iTunes state to be always on “Play” mode. Also I would like iTunes to play the playlist named “playlist” with play random order.

Can somebody help me to write this new script ?

thank you

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