iTunes: Playlist for songs with lyrics

OK. This is what I want to do.
Make a playlist in itunes that has only the songs that have lyrics.
I have, a textedit document with a list of these songs.
Is a fast way to do this that will not result in me dragging these songs one by one to a playlist?

no good. i tried it and got a lengthy error message that went something like this:

iTunes got an error: Can’t set playlist “Tunes With Lyrics” to {file track id 6384 of library playlist id 3234 of source id 36, file track id 3283 of library playlist id 3234 of source id 36, file track id 6371 of library playlist id 3234 of source id 36, file track id 3629 of library playlist id 3234 of source id 36, file track id 7624 of library playlist id 3234 of source id 36, file track id 5994 of library playlist id 3234 of source id 36, file track id 3477 of library playlist id 3234 of source id 36, file track id 3627 of library playlist id

…and continued like that for a while.

any other ideas?

Jacques, your first script didn’t work for me either. However, this one does, and it’s much faster than the repeat loop in your second script.

tell application "iTunes"
	if not (exists playlist "Tunes With Lyrics") then make new playlist with properties {name:"Tunes With Lyrics"}
	with timeout of 600 seconds
		duplicate (tracks of library playlist 1 whose lyrics is not "") to playlist "Tunes With Lyrics"
	end timeout
end tell

cool that works. the only problem is that it picks up all files that can’t have lyrics, such as videos, but those are easy to weed out. thanks for the help

I didn’t notice that before. However, this seems to take care of that:

tell application "iTunes"
	if not (exists playlist "Tunes With Lyrics") then make new playlist with properties {name:"Tunes With Lyrics"}
	with timeout of 600 seconds
		duplicate (file tracks of library playlist 1 whose lyrics is not "" and kind does not contain "video" and kind does not contain "movie") to playlist "Tunes With Lyrics"
	end timeout
end tell