iTunes-playlist-song l want a specific song!

yea l want a song thats under my playlist (“Mats”) and then l want it to stay there once played not play it though library and then outta the thousands of songs pick a random one l don’t like and play
if u didn’t understand that l’ll say it a different way
when my script opens the song (“appletree”) in itunes it opens it via library and l always have it on random
so then it’ll pick random song after appletree
l want a script telling itunes to pick the version appletree under my playlist and then stay there

um…l have looked around for something like this and well l didn’t find anything…but l didn’t look that hard so don’t quote me!

yea if u want me to explain another way just ask

You just need to specific a track under a playlist. Try something like this:

tell application "iTunes"
	tell playlist "Mats" to play (first track whose name is "Appletree")
end tell

thanx man didn’t know that was that simple
but now that l have that, it’s geting boring so do u have one that picks a random song still in my playlist?

tell application "iTunes"
	tell playlist "Mats" to play some track
end tell

Thanx once more