iTunes script isolates tracks with poor quality album art

Hello all, I just released my first AppleScript - could never have done it without the help of this forum. Thanks guys!

Script is available at:

(also uploaded it to the macscripter repository, just waiting for approval)

Brief Description: iTunes 7’s Cover Flow makes low resolution, older album cover art stick out like a sore thumb. iTunes won’t search for high res artwork if the track already has artwork. SO. One needs to be able to sort out the albums with low res art and strip them in order to make their library look shiny in Cover Flow. This script finds tracks with low resolution art. You can then use a script like this one ( to strip the artwork, and then use the built in iTunes tool (or your fav. alternative) to search for better art.

Please feel free to comment/provide feedback via comments on my blog.

It’s been approved: