iTunes set artwork


I’m trying to write a couple of scripts for handling iTunes artwork “ here my code so far:

on getArtwork(dbID)
	tell application "iTunes"
			set c to (track 1 of library playlist 1 whose database ID is dbID)
			return data of front artwork of c
		end try
	end tell
end getArtwork

on setArtwork(pic, art, alb)
	tell application "iTunes"
		set theseTracks to (every track of library playlist 1 whose (album is alb and artist is art))
		repeat with i from 1 to count of theseTracks
			set data of front artwork of (item i of theseTracks) to pic
		end repeat
	end tell
end setArtwork

set d to getArtwork(165)
setArtwork(d, "Men At Work", "Business As Usual")

Getting the artwork works without a problem, but storing artwork does not.
I get a parameter error on the line “set data of front artwork of (item i of theseTracks) to pic” “ why?

Anybody has an idea what’s going wrong here?

Many thanks in advance,


Hi Jorg,

I don’t know what’s wrong with your script, but what I would do is break up the bad line making it easier to debug.

set data of front artwork of (item i of theseTracks) to pic


set thisTrack to item i of theseTracks
set data of front artwork of thisTrack to pic

But you don’t need to use the index list method. This works for me:

tell application “iTunes”
set lib_pl to first library playlist
set first_track to first track of lib_pl
tell first_track
set {the_artist, the_album, d} to {artist, album, data of first artwork}
end tell
set track_list to tracks of lib_pl whose ¬
artist is the_artist and ¬
album is the_album
repeat with this_track in track_list
set data of first artwork of this_track to d
end repeat
end tell



thanks for your thoughts “ I already tried to expand the code to make it more readable and better to debug … still no luck.

I think that there is something going wrong with data types but I’m still in total darkness.
