I have designed an applescript that copies an email and pastes it into Macjournal, copies a text style from a previous journal entry and then reformats the new copied email with the new text style. I do this numerous times during the day. What I am want to do is only copy the text style once and use that text style on subsequent copied emails. I don’t want to continuously copy the text style for every subsequently copied email.
I guess in applescript terms, when my script is run, I would like to check to see if the text style has been copied and if it has don’t copy it again; and if it hasn’t then copy it. Is this possible?
To all those who’ve read this thread a hearty thanks. I figured out how to copy the text/ruler styles by thinking outside the box. Here’s how I did it. My understanding of applescript is not bad. But it’s definitely not at the level of most of the scripters at this forum. What I needed to do was use the tools/code that I already knew. When I start my system I load 5 different programs of which MacJournal is one. I then copy the text/ruler style at startup so I only copy it once. When I run my ‘copy from mail.app to macJournal.app’ applescript I have no need to recopy the text/ruler style because it’s already done. And only once!