Justify buttons in TextEdit windows -- scriptable?

I know you know the ones I mean – the ones that set the justification of paragraphs or lines of text in a Rich Text window (left, center, right, pagewide). The TextEdit scripting dictionary for TE in Panther doesn’t seem to include these (even as a “sometimes here, sometimes not” option) in the window class or anywhere else I could find. I suppose to get to them you would have to invoke System Events or some more potent system-wide utility?

Any suggestions?



you can access the values of the radio buttons with this

tell application "TextEdit" to activate
tell application "System Events"
	tell application process "TextEdit"
		tell window 1
			get value of radio buttons of radio group 1 of group 1 of group 1 of UI element 3 of scroll area 1
		end tell
	end tell
end tell