Keep getting NSRecieiverEvaluationScriptError: 4 (1), can't find error

Well, I’m working on a little game that I used to play with my cousins when I was 12. :stuck_out_tongue: It is a game normally played with hands but I decided to make the same game to play against the computer. The game is played that you choose, shoot, block or reload. If you shoot, while they are reloading, they lose one life, you lose a bullet (and they gain one), if they block your shot, nothing happens (except you are down 1 bullet), if you shoot each other you both lose a life and a bullet, and it goes on. You get 5 lives. I’m not quite finished the script yet, but what I have so far should still work. I don’t know why I am getting [an] error.

property player_ammo : 1
property cpu_ammo : 1
property player_lives : 5
property cpu_lives : 5

on activated theObject
	set player_name to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter your name" default answer "") as string
	set the contents of text field "player_name" of window "mainWindow" to player_name
end activated

on clicked theObject
	tell window "mainWindow"
		set the contents of text field "player_lives" of box "playerlives_box" to player_lives as string
		set the contents of text field "cpu_lives" of box "cpulives_box" to cpu_lives as string
		set the contents of text field "player_ammo" of box "playerlives_box" to player_ammo as string
		set the contents of text field "cpu_ammo" of box "cpulives_box" to cpu_ammo as string
	end tell
	if cpu_ammo is greater than 0 then
		set sbr_list to {"Shoot", "Block", "Reload"}
		set the list_count to the count of sbr_list
		set pick to random number from 1 to list_count
		set cpu_choice to item pick of sbr_list as string
		set sbr_list to {"Block", "Reload"}
		set the list_count to the count of sbr_list
		set pick to random number from 1 to list_count
		set cpu_choice to item pick of srb_list as string
		if player_ammo is greater than 0 then
			set enabled of button "shoot_button" of window "mainWindow" to true
			set enabled of button "shoot_button" of window "mainWindow" to false
		end if

		if the name of theObject is equal to "shoot_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Shoot" then
			set player_ammo to player_ammo - 1
			set cpu_ammo to cpu_ammo - 1
			set player_lives to player_lives - 1
			set cpu_lives to cpu_lives - 1
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "You shot each other!"
		else if the name of theObject is equal to "shoot_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Block" then
			set player_ammo to player_ammo - 1
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "Bullet was blocked!"
		else if the name of theObject is equal to "shoot_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Reload" then
			set player_ammo to player_ammo - 1
			set cpu_ammo to cpu_ammo + 1
			set cpu_lives to cpu_lives - 1
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "That's a hit!"
		else if the name of theObject is equal to "block_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Shoot" then
			set cpu_ammo to cpu_ammo - 1
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "You blocked his shot!"
		else if the name of theObject is equal to "block_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Block" then
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "Both of you blocked!"
		else if the name of theObject is equal to "block_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Reload" then
			set cpu_ammo to cpu_ammo + 1
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "You blocked, but he reloaded!"
		else if the name of theObject is equal to "reload_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Shoot" then
			set cpu_ammo to cpu_ammo - 1
			set player_ammo to player_ammo + 1
			set player_lives to player_lives - 1
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "You were shot!"
		else if the name of theObject is equal to "reload_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Block" then
			set player_ammo to player_ammo + 1
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "You reloaded, but he blocked!"
		else if the name of theObject is equal to "reload_button" and cpu_choice is equal to "Reload" then
			set cpu_ammo to cpu_ammo + 1
			set player_ammo to player_ammo + 1
			set the contents of text field game_text of window "mainWindow" to "You both reloaded!"
		end if
	end if
end clicked

on should quit after last window closed theObject
	return true
end should quit after last window closed

on idle theObject
	tell window "mainWindow"
		set the contents of text field "player_lives" of box "playerlives_box" to player_lives as string
		set the contents of text field "cpu_lives" of box "cpulives_box" to cpu_lives as string
		set the contents of text field "player_ammo" of box "playerlives_box" to player_ammo as string
		set the contents of text field "cpu_ammo" of box "cpulives_box" to cpu_ammo as string
	end tell
end idle

on awake from nib theObject
	tell window "mainWindow"
		set the contents of text field "player_lives" of box "playerlives_box" to player_lives as string
		set the contents of text field "cpu_lives" of box "cpulives_box" to cpu_lives as string
		set the contents of text field "player_ammo" of box "playerlives_box" to player_ammo as string
		set the contents of text field "cpu_ammo" of box "cpulives_box" to cpu_ammo as string
	end tell
end awake from nib

might it be, that your ‘[… edited …]’ error is caused by missing quotes?

set the contents of text field “game_text” of window “mainWindow” to “You shot each other!”

also missing at several other occurences of this text field …



EDIT: well i fixed the game_text quotes but there must be more errors somewhere because I am still getting the same error…

[Removed a post by Mikey-San, hendo13, and myself]

It’s not a problem, but you should be able to simplify this.

if player_ammo is greater than 0 then
	set enabled of button "shoot_button" of window "mainWindow" to true
	set enabled of button "shoot_button" of window "mainWindow" to false
end if

.with this:

set enabled of button "shoot_button" of window "mainWindow" to (player_ammo is greater than 0)