key value pairs from SOAP

I’m getting results back from a SOAP query that filters down to something like…
{{|key|:“Id”, value:“12345”}, {|key|:“TitleId”, value:“321”}, {|key|:“Code”, value:“060606”}, {|key|:“Description”, value:“CSDEMO”}, {|key|:“AnotherValue”, value:“210”}}
I can get element by Id number so
set myValue to the value of Item 1 of myResults will work
But that full SOAP call is pretty big and I’d like to do it by the name of the key pair returned. i.e.:
set myValue to the value of Item “Code” of myResults.

but so far no luck. Can’t help feeling I’ve missed something obvious…

Here ya go:

property someTable : {{|key|:"Id", value:"12345"}, {|key|:"TitleId", value:"321"}, {|key|:"Code", value:"060606"}, {|key|:"Description", value:"CSDEMO"}, {|key|:"AnotherValue", value:"210"}}

set myValue to getValueForKey(someTable, "Code")

on getValueForKey(theTable, givenKey)
	set listItemsCount to count theTable
	repeat with numIndex from 1 to listItemsCount
		if |key| of item numIndex of theTable is givenKey then return value of item numIndex of theTable
	end repeat
end getValueForKey

On 2nd thought - here is some code to create & maintain an associative list (with help from Nigel Garvey & DJ Bazzie Wazzie:

-- script 19-5 from Sanderson & Rosenthal
-- 0.1	removed a 'my' from find routine to make it work: post #3
-- 0.2	changed to camelCase
-- 		prefixed private property/handler names with underscore
-- 0.3	changed to use list index, not reference (Nigel Garvey, same thread)
-- 0.4	DJ's modification - uses an init handler (

--	Test code	------------------------
-- Create a new associative list object 
set friendsAges to makeAssociativeList()'s init()
-- Store some values 
setItem("Jan", 27) of friendsAges
setItem("Sam", 29) of friendsAges
setItem("Bob", 35) of friendsAges
-- Retrieve some values 
display dialog "Jan is " & getItem("Jan") of friendsAges -- "Jan is 27" 
display dialog "Bob is " & getItem("Bob") of friendsAges -- "Bob is 35" 
--display dialog "Frank is " & getItem("Frank") of friendsAges -- Key not found error
-- delete item
deleteItem("Jan") of friendsAges
_listItems of friendsAges --> {{theKey:"Sam", theValue:29}, {theKey:"Bob", theValue:35}}
--	end Test code	------------------------

on makeAssociativeList()
	script AssociativeList
		property class : "associative list"
		property _listItems : {}
		on init()
			return me
		end init
		on _findRecordForKey(givenKey)
			set listItemsCount to (count my _listItems)
			considering diacriticals, hyphens, punctuation and white space but ignoring case
				repeat with numIndex from 1 to listItemsCount
					if theKey of item numIndex of my _listItems is givenKey then return numIndex
				end repeat
				return missing value
			end considering
		end _findRecordForKey
		on setItem(givenKey, givenValue)
			set numIndex to _findRecordForKey(givenKey)
			if numIndex is missing value then
				set end of my _listItems to {theKey:givenKey, theValue:givenValue}
				set theValue of item numIndex of my _listItems to givenValue
			end if
		end setItem
		on getItem(givenKey)
			set numIndex to _findRecordForKey(givenKey)
			if numIndex is missing value then
				error "The key wasn't found." number -1728 from givenKey
			end if
			return theValue of item numIndex of my _listItems
		end getItem
		on countItems()
			return count my _listItems
		end countItems
		on deleteItem(givenKey)
			set numIndex to _findRecordForKey(givenKey)
			if numIndex is missing value then
				error "The key wasn't found." number -1728 from givenKey
			end if
			set item numIndex of my _listItems to missing value
			set _listItems to every record of my _listItems
		end deleteItem
	end script
end makeAssociativeList

That worked perfectly. Thanks for your help.