Keychain Scripting


How can you use the Keychain app now that it’s not scriptable?


mountain lion

Script interaction with keychain files and entries takes place using the shell with a command called ‘security’. If you open Terminal, you can get more information by typing ‘man security’, to see how to use the security command with regard to management of keychains.

Hi simpletireman,

I had hopes. Seems like there’s always a back door with unix, for AppleScript. Security …

Thanks a lot,

What are you trying to accomplish? You can use osascript to pass shell script actions through with Applescript. If you are looking for a specific keychain file, the security ‘manual’ should be able to help.

Earlier, I was thinking about making my own password program with openssl. I already have the script for that. Later I thought that using Keychain Scirpting might be more secure. I found that it was no longer scriptable.

I don’t really nead a very secure way to do this, but you know how you want it to be the best way. Anyway, taking on a project is always never-ending. I’m rambling, taking a break from thinking about this.

Do you think that scripting the keychain is more secure than rolling your own with openssl?

I don’t particularly know much of anything about openssl, but I would think that the level of ‘more/less secure’ would depend on what exactly you are trying to do. If you are trying to add/remove specific keychain entries, security should be secure enough if you are okay with running the script as root (ie., forcing a local admin password prompt). I think it would really depend on your specific task.

Security seems to be well documented. I’ll try it.


This thread: (Scripting Keychain Access in Lion)
is a little out of date, but still, mostly, works.