Keychain searching

I’m trying to search the keychain for a certain certificate to see if it is there. I will handle whether it exists or not after I search the entire list, but I can’t seem to get the search down. I’m using the code below but I can’t seem to get the keychain set to X509Anchors where the certificate I am searching for will/should be located.

tell application "Keychain Scripting"
	set theKeyList to name of every key of "X509Anchors"
	repeat with x from 1 to (length of theKeyList)
		if item x of theKeyList is "some certificate" then
			set isThere to true
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

First, I think this line.

set theKeyList to name of every key of "X509Anchors"

should be changed to this:

set theKeyList to name of every key of keychain "X509Anchors"

[keychain “Whatever”] is a keychain object, but [“Whatever”] is just a string.

However, after looking at my own keychains, it seems X509Anchors may not be accesible this way.

tell application "Keychain Scripting"
	return keychains
end tell

The problem seems to be that there is no “noun” to describe the contents of that keychain either. “Certificate” is not a Keychain Scripting word.

I tried making the line keychain “X509Anchors” and pretty much got the same error so I posted what code I had at the time. If I can’t use keychain scripting anyone got any ideas of how I would go about searching the certificates? I found command line password searching tool that uses the keychain in these forums and I’m trying to adapt that, but I’m not sure if that will do what I want.

I also thought about using UI scripting on the application Keychain Access, but I have not been able to get that to search. I can do that to select a certain certificate but the script will toss an error if it does not exist. I have not figured out how to test if it exists within the interface.

I was just going to use the keyword ‘item’. I tested it using ‘current keychain’ and it seems to return everything on the keychain. Should work for my purposes if I can test the right item name.

So I decided it might be easier to just handle the error message I get about the certificate already being installed. Only trouble is I can’t get the UI scripting to work. I use UIElementInspector to find what should go into the applescrpt for the error message but I think I’m missing something in the syntax. I want the script to check for the message, and if there click the OK button.

Image here

I think the pop-up is a sheet of the window “Keychain Access” so I’ve made my script try to click that. Seems I am missing something. I think this should be enough of the code to get the idea of what is going on. I can provide more if needed.

tell application "System Events"
		tell process "Keychain Access"
			set frontmost to true
			-- try to install the certificate here. This code works fine.
				-- Wait while authentication happens. 
		-- This is the part I think I am missing something		
                               if exists sheet 1 then
					tell sheet 1
							click button "Ok"
						end try
						tell application "Keychain Access"
						end tell
					end tell
					tell application "Keychain Access"
					end tell
				end if