Knowing if a Filemaker window is in the Dock

Hello to all… again! I have a new question I hope someone out there knows the answer to this! How can I know if a FileMaker window was minimized and planced in the dock ¿ can I do this with AppleScript???

Brian Donovan
Mexico City

I don’t have FileMaker, but I can give an example using the Finder. Open a few Finder windows, minimize a couple of them, and then run this in Script Editor:

tell application "Finder"
	get name of every Finder window whose collapsed is true
end tell

You should be able to do that with FileMaker, as well. You can then check to see if the window you’re looking for has been minimized.

Thank you verry much!!!:rolleyes:

:frowning: guess what… it does not work!!! AppleScript send a messege error “Finder got an error: Can’t get name of every Finder window whose collapsed = true.”:frowning:

It won’t work if you don’t have any Finder windows minimized. If you do have some Finder windows minimized, and it still doesn’t work, then something is not right.

Thank you! I am still trying to make it work but the event “collapsed” is not handled by FileMaker, up to know I can only get the name of Finder Windows:(

Try “miniaturized”, instead of “collapsed”, Brian. Some apps understand that better…