Has anyone ever had a problem with the order of the list folder command? I’m getting a list of files from a folder and there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to the order of the list that comes back. Is there a way to force an order (alpha, date mod)?
: Has anyone ever had a problem with the order of the list folder command? I’m
: getting a list of files from a folder and there seems to be no rhyme nor
: reason to the order of the list that comes back. Is there a way to force
: an order (alpha, date mod)?
Not in the “list folder” command. You could use the Finder “sort” command:
tell application "Finder"
set theItems to (sort items of (choose folder) by name)
end tell
Marc K. Myers
4020 W.220th St.
Fairview Park, OH 44126
(440) 331-1074
[2/1/02 1:26:00 PM]