List Matrix Table - Advice/Tips for Dupes,Compare,Ranking, Merging

Looking for advice/handlers/code for the following.

Dealing with iTunes and Traktor DJ software and duplicates and replacing them.
I am using Doug’s Scripts App Dupin for some help with it. (finding the dupes).
Also need to do this when replacing lower quality sound files with newer high
quality ones.

Thru much of the process there willi be the need to have the user review the processes data to ensure right “selections” were made before modifying the XML.

I will have my starting data in XML format.
I have already parsed the data into a array of dictionaries.

Steps to Work Thru

- find duplicates based on up to 3 different criteria
(Title, Artist, Length)
(I can use dupin and skip the above)
- group the duplicates together
(Dupe Groups)
- rate/rank the duplicates based on up to 3 different list variables
(BitRate, Size, Play History)
- analyze/compare the duplicates for warnings that they may not actually be the same
(Length, Same Title but different mix, LP, Audio ID)
Traktor provides an Audio ID in the XML that is an Audio Fingerprint
- present a table to the user with rankings and warnings and preselected defaults
- let the user review and refine the final table selections

- now based on the master selection analyze/compare the duplicates
for other data that may not be present in the master for consolidation.
- rate/rank the quality of the data for possible consolidation
- analyze/compare the data for possibile warning of incompatibility of this data
- (later in future) reprocess the data so that it “fits” / is compatible with the new master
- present a table to the user with rankings and warnings and preselected defaults
- let the user review and refine the final table selections

- merge the consolidated data into the master item
- search/replace the XML other nodes where the old duplicates were used
(this may happen automatically as it refers to the entries by a key)
this would be for playlists the tracks were used in
- remove the duplicates
- save the XML

I have found rountines for
- sorting
- finding duplicates (only based on 1 criteria)
- presenting table
- comparing the data

What I haven’t found is :
- grouping (split list)
- rating / ranking
- merging (that makes sense)

I’m thinking that I should create a bunch of new items (columns) in each item
for rankings, ratings and warnings.
Then as I do any of those functions / comparrisons I can update those variables.

Since will be going back and forth a lot with Myriad Tables
I will probably keep the data in table format (rows,columns)

I’ve had a look at Sat. Images list and array tools and their Matrix tools seemed interesting.
But their examples don’t really help me much and also seem to deal with arrays of reals.

any asOBJC methods thoughts for processing in matrixes / tables?

Or should I be looking at using MySQL? which has also seemed to be a possible way to go.
But then I know I’ll then have to start looking in and learning SQL functions and requests.

Speed won’t really be a factor as most of the time the data will be done in small
Chunks (to make sure things don’t get messed up)


DJ K-Tel