ok so i want users to be able to add and remove items from a list sort of thing, and save their choices to a file or something.
fiftyfour123, did you forget to spit out your mouthwash and swallow it? What’s with the childish rambling? The people here are not dumb kids, they’re experienced people who deserve to be treated as such. If you give us some respect, we’ll do the same. Why would I help you when you can’t even bother to ask a comprehensible question?
So, in response to your, um… question?.. I’d have to say…
you, like, need to do some stuff with I think some things that you can use to do a what like what you want to do, maybe.
ok, my bad, what i wrote is completly clear to me, i’ll explain in more depth.
I am making an application launcher for myself, and i want it to be very customizable. so i want to have a “favorites” section, where i can add, and remove my favorite/most used applications, and i want those favorites to be there each time i run the app. what i was thinking is that each choice can be saved as a file somewhere (just a blank file with the name of the app, or a file with a list of the favorites) and each time the app is open those favorites are read from the file(s). what i need to know is; what interface object do i use for this, and how do i use it? and how would i get the app names from a file and move them to the list?