Lists Help Please

I am trying to clean files from MAC to PC and I have this file meta data as a list

Name Path Size Filetype Creator Date Created Date Modified Kind Catalog

LIST 1 = {“Documenta(&5tionNotes.rtf", "08_25_05:Current Assignments:Documenta(&5tionNotes.rtf”, “13423”, “TEXT”, “MSWD”, “Monday, February 6, 2002, 1:28:00 AM”, “Monday, July 18, 2005, 8:08:00 AM”, “Microsoft Word RTF document”, “08_25_05”,“extra,//view”, “08_25_05:ConversionResults:extra,//view”, “32192”, “TEXT”, “MSWD”, “Monday, February 6, 2004, 1:28:00 AM”, “Thursday, July 7, 2005, 9:33:00 AM”, “Microsoft Word RTF document”, “08_25_05”}

and a second list of filenames with cleaned (special characters, extension) filename
LIST 2 = { “Documenta(*&5tionNotes.rtf”, “Documenta___5tionNotes.rtf”, “extra,//view”, “extra___view.rtf” }

My 08_25_05 folder structure is
Current Assignments/Documenta___5tionNotes.rtf

The file dates of the my files are changed due to translation, I want to be able to change the Date Created and Date Modified to the original dates from list 1.

Since my lists are really large and looping through is time consuming, can anyone help me in writing a script to do this.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Unfortunately I cannot find it on Google, but there is an AppleScript application for removing all metadata from MS Word - perhaps someone else will recall what it’s called.