For some years now I’ve been using a lovely app from eCamm that allows me to insert chapters in a QT7 movie while I’m actually recording the movie. It’s a plugin for iChat and I use it not to record my webchats, but to record rehearsals (I’m a theatre lighting designer) and to type my notes in as chapter headings. I then end up with a video of a dress rehearsal with a drop down list of notes which take me to the point in the rehearsal when I took the note. I can’t imagine working without this app, but eCamm have sadly decided to stop supporting it with Snow Leopard, so I’m now stuck on Leopard, which is fine for the time being, but isn’t going to last for ever. I’m happy to learn how to use Applescript if I felt that a plugin for QT7 to replace my eCamm app (conference recorder) was possible, but I’m not sure that it is. Any advice?
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