Edit: I just realized that I should say “Handlers” instead of “Functions”. (Old habits, you know.)
I’ve built a multi-script application. A couple of functions are used in one or more other scripts. Currently I copy the functions in every script as I can’t get the “load script” function to work.
(Please note that I’ve tried to read every post about this subject. Hence the several ways of trying to achieve this)
I built a Functions.applescript. Inside this applescript, I have (for example)
on FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB(titlebarmsg, topmsg, bottommsg)
tell window "ProgressWindow"
set title to titlebarmsg
tell text field "TopMsg" to set content to topmsg
tell text field "BottomMsg" to set content to bottommsg
tell progress indicator "BarberPole"
-- This makes the application use a separate thread to handle the animation
set uses threaded animation to true
set indeterminate to true
set visible to true
end tell
end tell
end FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB
on FUNC_quit_BP_PGB()
tell window "ProgressWindow"
tell progress indicator "BarberPole"
end tell
end tell
end FUNC_quit_BP_PGB
more functions
These functions work fine as long as I use a separate copy in each applescript.
However, to use this Functions script as a reusable functions library (as I’m used to in other languages) I tried in my other scripts, that use these common functions, to:
on will finish launching theObject
global mYFunctions -- Needed to set this one otherwise I got an "unknown variable" error
set mYFunctions to load script (path to resource "Functions.scpt" in directory "Scripts")
set FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB to FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB()
set FUNC_quit_BP_PGB to FUNC_quit_BP_PGB()
... some more functions ...
end will finish launching
In the other scripts I tried then all kind of options like:
FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB(titlebarmsg, topmsg, bottommsg) -- direct call based on reference
tell mYFunctions to FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB(titlebarmsg, topmsg, bottommsg)
mYFunctions's FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB(titlebarmsg, topmsg, bottommsg)
None of them works and throws an error in my face during startup.
What am I doing wrong?