Locking Text in Quark

I was just wondering if it is possible to set a property that would make the text in a text box read only?
I know that the ‘locked’ property prevents the box from moving, but the text is still editable.

Thanks in advance,

nope, not possible

Quark bought ALAP, which adds this ability through their Xpert Tools: http://www.quark.com/products/xpress/xtensions/products/xptpro/XPertBoxTools/.

You may or may not be able to script this, my guess is that you would have to use UI scripting to get to it.

I suspected it might not be possible. I do know that if you lock a layer you prevent text editing, as well as box positioning, but this seems a bit drastic.

Thanks for the answer.

Hi Jerome,
Thanks for the reply. I think we posted at virtually the same time! Never give up!