Is it possible to log what songs you listen in iTunes to log file?
Try this save it as a stay open application
global last_playlName
on run
set last_playlName to ""
end run
on idle
tell application "iTunes"
set thepath to path to documents folder from user domain as string
set thepath to POSIX path of thepath
set this_playlName to the name of current track
set albumName to the album of current track
set ArtistName to the artist of current track
if last_playlName is equal to this_playlName then
return 30
else if last_playlName is not equal to this_playlName then
set thesWritlog to do shell script "echo " & "SONG _ " & quoted form of this_playlName & " \\) \\: " & "ALBUM _ " & albumName & " \\) \\: " & " ARTIST _ " & ArtistName & " \\) >> " & thepath & "played.log"
set last_playlName to this_playlName
end if
end tell
return 30
end idle
Just a small update to cope with illegal characters in in the text.
global last_playlName
on run
set last_playlName to ""
end run
on idle
tell application "iTunes"
set thepath to path to documents folder from user domain as string
set thepath to POSIX path of thepath
set this_playlName to the name of current track
set albumName to the album of current track
set ArtistName to the artist of current track
if last_playlName is equal to this_playlName then
return 30
else if last_playlName is not equal to this_playlName then
set thesWritlog to do shell script "echo " & "SONG _ " & quoted form of this_playlName & " \\) \\: " & "ALBUM _ " & quoted form of albumName & " \\) \\: " & " ARTIST _ " & quoted form of ArtistName & " \\) >> " & thepath & "played.log"
set last_playlName to this_playlName
end if
end tell
return 30
end idle