login on ebay (probably so easy...)

Hey Folks,
I am trying to write a scrip that place bids on ebay (I am a bigginer in scripting). For that, I need to login into my ebay account that means :
1 - going to : https://signin.ebay.fr/ (it’s ebay france !)
2 - enter my name and password
3 - validate (‘press enter’ on the web page)

Point one is fine but I am stuck with 2 and 3…

Do anyone can give me a hint?

Thanks in advance for your help.

HI arnaud

Once your page is loaded this should work or a variation on this you may have to play around abit with it.
GUI scripting can give different results across macs:

tell application "Safari"
	tell application "System Events"
		keystroke "username"
		keystroke tab
		keystroke "password"
		keystroke return
	end tell
end tell