Login script for students

I would like to create a login script to display our school Acceptable Use Policy i.e. 6 simple rules when logging on.

Here is the script the I received from another forum:


echo “1. Rule1” > /tmp/rules
echo “2. Rule2” >> /tmp/rules
echo “3. Rule3” >> /tmp/rules
echo “4. Rule4” >> /tmp/rules
echo “5. Rule5” >> /tmp/rules
echo “6. Rule6” >> /tmp/rules

rules=osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\"" -e "activate" -e "display dialog (do shell script \"cat /tmp/rules\") buttons {\"Decline\",\"Accept\"} default button 2" -e "end tell"

if [ “$rules” == “button returned:Decline” ]; then
killall WindowServer

exit 0 [/b]

The script runs when tested through the terminal.

I have ensured that teh script is executable by running the command: chmod u+x /path/to/login.sh

Followed by defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook /path/to/login.sh

However when I restart the machine the script does not run. Our client authenticate via LDAP, could this be a reason for the script not executing?

The loginhook is displayed in - com.apple.loginwindow loginhook.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, i’m obvuiously missing a fundamental step!

hi das,

you should try mike bomich’s “Login Window Manager”:


i think he may have some forums on this kind of thing too.


Instead of:

defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook /path/to/login.sh

Use this (case sensitive)

defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook /path/to/login.sh

(Updated this tip on the Bombich site as well, see your original post)