Looking for a consultant

I am a professional writer who just switched from PC (Win XP) to Mac (G5 Leopard) and from Word 2007 to Word 2008. What I miss is my macros. I’m currently working on a book and don’t have the time or inclination to learn AppleScripts. What I’m looking for is someone to write a half dozen very basic scripts I use often in my work. For example, say I’m editing a long chapter and I’m ready to quit for the day. I use a symbol – XXXXX – to mark my place. I want to be able to insert that symbol, then go back and find it at some point in the future. Another example: When I have a section in which I need to double-check a fact or a date, I mark that spot with another symbol – QQQQQ. Same principle as the earlier one: mark and locate.

These were very simple to write in VBA but I’m not in Kansas anymore. If anyone is interested in this challenge, please contact me. Also, if I have violated any rule or regulation of this forum ith this post, I am sincerely sorry. It’s the only way I have been able to think of of contacting knowledgeable script writers.

Ken Englade