Looking for a Script that reconnects my PPP Modem connection every day

well i have a USB Modem (USB Mobile Stick).
After 2 or 3-5 Day’s the Modem hangs under 10.8.2 and i have to Restart my Mac Manually with the Powerbutton… this sucks…
So i thought to use a Applescript that disconnects my Modem and reconnect after a delay… every day.
Hope this will help … if someones knows a better solution plz post it here :slight_smile:
so here is my script but that doesn’t work on 10.8.2

tell application "System Events"
	tell network preferences
		disconnect service "HUAWEIMobile-Modem"
		delay 5
		connect service "HUAWEIMobile-Modem"
	end tell
end tell

hmmm is there a better way or how can i disconnect a PPP connection on 10.8.2 ?
thank you all!
