Looking for guys interested in a project

Hi all!

Before go ahead:

  • This is a freeware project (initially concibed, may change later)
  • Most of work is done. I need help for the “examples & source code” part, which may be not much work for you

go ahead

The stuff is already done. It’s a short collection of handlers which you can implement into your own application to provide support for live-update of you app. To implement it, you upload a file called “patches.txt” in your server and the patch itself, usually called “whatever.tgz”.
Then, you can call some handlers from within your app: checkForPatches() and installUpdates()

I’ve created an app called “easyPatch” which will help to make the patch file (find files to update and package them).

Also, I planned ellaborate a sample project in AS, AS-Studio, and perhaps a FileMaker one, to show developers how can they implement this “live update” function into its own project.

AND, FINALLY, I would like someone to ellaborate sample projects for other apps able to use and run applescript code, such as REALbasic, Cocoa, Carbon or whatever technology you think…
The mail goal is show the developer how can he communicate and make work these handlers.
AS and AS-Studio projects are welcome too, of course, and also any stuff you can think about, such as FileMaker, a help system, aids for Script Debugger or BBEdit…

I think this migth be interesting, because it can be used to update not only bundle applications, but entire folders, including documentation, samples, artwork or whatever stuff the developer includes within his project.

Please, drop me a note at julifos@mac.com if you are interested or have some ideas or requests or anything to share…

