This script dont change MAC-address!
How can i get name of network and name of network location?
set old_address to do shell script "ifconfig en1 | grep ether | cut -b \"8-24\""
display dialog "Old: " & old_address
display dialog "New? " default answer "11:11:11:11:11:11"
set new_address to text returned of the result
--do shell script "/sbin/ifconfig en1 down"
do shell script "sudo ifconfig en1 ether " & new_address with administrator privileges
--do shell script "/sbin/ifconfig en1 up"
set new_address to do shell script "ifconfig en1 | grep ether | cut -b \"8-24\""
display dialog "New: " & new_address
I have XNetwork OSAX, but i dont know how to use it. I would like to use it to get mac address and signal strength.
tell application "xnetwork" to set signalstrength to signal strength
Class wireless network info:
Plural form:
wirelesses networks info
channel integer
noise integer
signal strength integer
beacon interval integer
name string
mac address string