Mac OS Finder Scrips Folder


during some update to the OS the “Finder Scrips” folder disappeared. Does someone have a suggestion as to where is it still available, or does anyone still have the folder saved somewhere and would be kind enough to share it with me?


Not sure of your exact problem, but you can specify that the Scripts menu appear in the Menu bar via a checkbox in Script Editor’s Preferences.

I’m sorry, I wasn’t clear. Apple, as many times before, discontinued a useful feature and no it longer includes the “Finder Scripts” folder in the “Computer Scripts Folder” within “Library”.

I wonder if anyone has it saved somewhere.


Try the “User Scripts Folder” from the scripts menu. Inside that look in:


→ Script Debugger 7.0.13 (7A125)
→ Mac OS 10.11.6 (15G22010)