Mac OS9 script not working in Mac OSX

A previously created script that allowed me to copy to remote servers and rename folders from clipboard text using Applescript commands in Filemaker 5 no longer work in OSX Jaguar or Panther. The script will allow me to move the folder to the servers but gets this error:

Finder got an error: Can’t set name of selection to “the clipboard”.
from this script:

tell application “Finder”
make new folder at folder “Active_Work_2003” of folder “Mac_Jobs” of disk “Jobs”
select folder “untitled folder” of folder “Active_Work_2003” of folder “Mac_Jobs” of disk “Jobs”
set name of selection to (the clipboard)

end tell

Is this a disconnect from the clipboard to the finder or are new commands necessary to make this work?

This works on my Jaguar setup.

tell application "Finder"
		make new folder at folder "Active_Work_2003" of folder "Mac_Jobs" of disk "Jobs" with properties {name:(the clipboard)}
	on error e
		display dialog e
	end try
end tell

– Rob

Thanks Rob

That works great to create a new folder.
What I was using in the past would move “prepackaged” folders from one server to the other and rename it so that it would contain subfolders necessary to organize work as well a retain custom icons used as flags (this was an Applescript embedded in a Filemaker button script). Since OSX the moving works fine but the text in a cell in FileMaker that gets copied to the clipboard is refused by Applescript to rename the moved folder.
Actually all this requires that a folder full of prepackaged folders be maintained and fretted over… maybe all I need is to use the script you provided but create a new folder that will include subfolders named from the same script to put inside of the new folder.
Unfortunately, my attempts to do this have failed as I can’t seem to get the newly created folder to be selected by its unique name as a variable in Applescript. maybe there is a way to get Applescript to recognize it by other means so I can add new folders into it. I can live without the custom Icons since Panther doesn’t seem to use them anyway.
Again thanks for your (quick) helpful response.

I think the problem is that in OS X, you can no longer treat the Finder’s ‘selection’ as a reference to the selected items themselves. You have to ‘get’ the selection and then work on the item(s) in the returned list:

tell application "Finder"
  set theSelection to the selection
  set name of item 1 of theSelection to (the clipboard)
end tell