Mac Talk v1.0 (Have Your Mac Say Anything You Want!)

This Is A AppleScript That Really Easy To Make And Use Enjoy!

	set talktome to display dialog "(v1.0) Master What Do You Want Me To Say? :" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Talk!"} default button 1
	say text returned of talktome using "alex"
end repeat
-- Made By Taylor J. Harrison On 10.12.10 
-- Email: (If You Want To Know Me :D ) 

Model: Macbook 10.6.5
Browser: Firefox 3.6.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

I wrote a script like this one a while ago. :cool:

tell application "Finder" to activate
set vol to (choose from list {"Quiet", "Medium", "Loud"} with title "Volume")
if vol is "Quiet" then
	set vol to 1
else if vol is "Medium" then
	set vol to 4
else if vol is "Loud" then
	set vol to 8
end if
set voice to (choose from list {"Agnes", "Albert", "Alex", "Bad News", "Bahh", "Bells", "Boing", "Bruce", "Bubbles", "Cellos", "Deranged", "Fred", "Good News", "Hysterical", "Junior", "Kathy", "Pipe Organ", "Princess", "Ralph", "Trinoids", "Vicki", "Victoria", "Whisper", "Zarvox"} with title "Voice")
set speak to text returned of (display dialog "Text:" with title "Text" default answer "" with title "Talker 1.0.3")
tell application "Finder" to say speak using voice volume vol

But I hope you enjoy yours.