MacScripter will be moving to a completely new box today, so we will be offline this afternoon. Due to the traffic, our trustly ole’ 466 mHz box just doesn’t cut it any more.
We will be moving to a G4 Xserve Rack, with unlimited bandwidth, so we are looking forward to the change. We hope you are too!
I’m looking forward to it, as I’m sure everyone else is. When we first co’lo’d our box, it had been our expectation that what we had, as well as where we were located, would suffice. Unfortunately, that prospect has been my Achilles heel this year. Stuff was just terribly slow!
Anyway, our move will be for the better, so there should be no more slow server.
And, please stay tuned folks, as we have a couple more sections coming online very soon!
This is a fantastic speedup, Ray. The acid test for me was to try searching on your name and a few other hi-posters. Results in a flash. Switching to and then to Code Exchange and a few more places was satisfyingly brisk. Great Stuff!
OS X 10.4.2, B&W G3/1100 (seriously enhanced), 10 Mbit/sec cable service.
Completely subjective, but I’d say 200-300% speed improvement- conservative estimate. Will know more after a couple of days, but have not had the long delay I would get 10-15% of the time waiting for a macscripter site link to load.
I’m going to pull a no no and cross post. [looks away] :rolleyes:
Q: What does everyone think about PayPal ?
Given the product, services rendered, etc, does anyone have a problem using PayPal, and if so, why?
There are obvious reasons for my query, but I’ve had a lot of folks tell me they won’t use PayPal because of bad service, hackable, complaints, and generally just bad info/mis-perceptions.
a) I can’t help mis-perceptions. If people don’t like PP, they just won’t use it. At the same time, I don’t wish to have that notion impact my product either.
b) Authorizenet allows direct payment via Credit Card, but is a pain in the butt to implement from the backend.
Q: Can anyone offer feedback on other services? [ie: StormPay, 2Checkout, etc]
Very noticable speed improvement. Speed is actually so good, that if I only visited macscripter I’d start to think that my dial-up connection was cable. :lol:
As for paypal, my wife doesn’t let me spend money, so I wouldn’t know . Seriously, though, for those users who have already used paypal I think that most wouldn’t probably object to using it… with the exception of those who have had a specific problem with them before. But if you do enough purchasing… online or not… you’ll run into problems with cash, checks, credit card, paypal, whatever. I guess it all depends on who you’re asking to pay you and what you’re asking them to pay you for. I would think that your users are probably up on how the web works and what may be required of you to run this site. Of all the resources available to you as a site manager, I’d think people who need to buy something from you would recognize that paypal is about as mainstream as it gets. If they’re not willing to pay you that way they can count out some cash, get an envelope, buy a stamp, and wait a week.