and BitsOnWheels

Hi all, this is my first post so I apologise if I make a faux pas :smiley:

I’ve been looking for a while now and asking around various sources, but no-one can help me with my problem (A few have been close and I’ve got another idea to try out later!)

What I’m looking to do is sit at work (PC) and search for .torrent files and send the juice one’s to an email address I have set up at home on my mac.

The script I’m looking for is one that will strip out any .torrent file I email and open in BitsOnWheels. A further problem is that BitsOnWheels ALWAYS asks for confimation of where to save the torrent. I’ve found a script that will works with Azureus but thats only because Azureus can be set up to watch a folder for new .torrent files. I did try using Azureus but it seems to bloated to me (plus it’s murder on bandwidth!)

Can anyone help or direct me to somewhere/one that can?

I’ve never used Bits on Wheels (or heard of it for that matter) as I am personally fond of Azerus. Anyways what your asking for shouldn’t be all that hard, but will require quite a bit of GUI scripting since, despite being a Cocoa app, it has no AppleScript dictionary.