save attachment - stopped working after Sierra 10.12.2 update


This part of my script stopped working after the Sierra 10.12.2 update. Does anyone have any clues about this ?


using terms from application "Mail"
	on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
		set attachmentsFolder to "Volumes:folder1:folder2:" as rich text
		tell application "Mail"
			set selectedMessages to theMessages
				repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
					repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
						set originalName to name of theAttachment
						set savePath to attachmentsFolder & originalName
						save theAttachment in file (savePath)
					end repeat
				end repeat
			end try
		end tell
	end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from

I’ve temporary solved it by moving the script to another computer running OS 10.6.8

Working fine there.


I’m getting the same behavior.
Each attempt to save issue the message :
→ error “Pour afficher ou modifier vos autorisations, sélectionnez l’élément dans le Finder, puis choisissez Fichier > Lire les informations.” number -10000

I tested with messages from an inBox and with messages in “standard” mailboxes.

Fails with 10.12.3 too.
Works with 10.11.6

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 24 décembre 2016 12:11:50

Problem reported as:
29804595 10.12.2 (& 10.12.3) killed save Mail attachments thru AppleScript

As always, it would be useful to file others reports so that the problem would be prioritized.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 25 décembre 2016 12:16:47


I can file a report to, but how and where do I report that ?


Enter :

As you didn’t know that, you will be asked to register. Don’t worry, it’s free.
Then you will be able to file a report.

Here is what I posted :
Select some Mail messages with attachments, run a script which saved the attachments for years and nothing is saved

Steps to Reproduce:
Select some Mail messages with attachments
run the attached script

Expected Results:
With 10.9 thru 10.12.1, the attachments were correctly saved

Actual Results:
With 10.12.2 (& 10.12.3) the attachments aren’t saved.
→ error “Pour afficher ou modifier vos autorisations, sélectionnez l’élément dans le Finder, puis choisissez Fichier > Lire les informations.” number -10000
Under 10.12.1 and 10.12.2 , the permissions for 4attachments on the desktop are:
me read/write
admin read only
everyone read only
for 4attachments in Documents folder they were:
me read/write
admin read/write
everyone read only
After the tests I restored admin to read only.

Mail Version 10.2 (3259)
macOS 10.12.2 public. I didn’t tested with beta versions
failed also with the two 10.12.3 beta delivered at this time

Really boring because I have no workaround except returning to 10.12.1
Problem reported by different macScripter’s users and appleScript’s users too.
I hope that you will repair that quickly.
It’s just annoying to see that it’s at least the 3rd feature related to AppleScript broken by 10.12.2

iMac KOENIG Yvan attached

‘4mail?’ and ‘iMac KOENIG Yvan’ were successfully uploaded.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 25 décembre 2016 20:06:06

Here is a script usable as a workaround.

# Select messages with attachments to save
# Run the script to save the files in the folder defined below
# Of course you may define an other path.
# define the storage folder
set POSIXDestFolder to POSIX path of (path to downloads folder)

set {theApp, mt, mi} to {"Mail", 3, 13}

tell application id "" to tell process theApp
	set frontmost to true
	tell menu bar 1
		-- name of menu bar items
01 - "Apple", 
02 - "Mail", 
03 - "Fichier", 
04 - "Édition", 
05 - "Présentation", 
06 - "Boîte aux lettres", 
07 - "Message", 
08 - "Format", 
09 - "Fenêtre", 
10 - "Aide"
		-- name of menu bar item mt
		--> "Fichier"
		tell menu bar item mt to tell menu 1
			-- set theMenuItems to name of menu items
			(* {
01 - "Nouveau message"
02 - "Nouvelle fenêtre de visualisation"
03 - "Ouvrir le Message"
04 - "missing value"
05 - "Fermer la fenêtre"
06 - "Tout fermer"
07 - "Fermer l'onglet"
08 - "Enregistrer"
09 - "Enregistrer sous."
10 - "Enregistrer comme modèle."
11 - "missing value"
12 - "Joindre des fichiers."
13 - "Enregistrer les pièces jointes."
14 - "Coup d'œil sur les pièces jointes."
15 - "missing value"
16 - "Importer des boîtes aux lettres."
17 - "missing value"
18 - "Exporter au format PDF."
19 - "missing value"
20 - "Imprimer."
			-- name of menu item mi
			--> "Enregistrer les pièces jointes."
			click menu item mi
		end tell # menu bar item mt
	end tell # menu bar 1
	tell window 1
		-- its name --> "Boîte de réception (899 messages)"
		repeat until exists sheet 1
			delay 0.02
		end repeat
		-- class of UI elements --> {splitter group, button, button, button, toolbar, group, static text, sheet}
		tell sheet 1
			-- class of UI elements --> {button, button, button, group}
			-- class of UI elements of group 1 --> {splitter group, group, radio group, pop up button, text field}
			keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
			repeat until exists sheet 1
				delay 0.02
			end repeat
			tell sheet 1
				-- class of UI elements --> {static text, combo box, button, button}
				tell me to set sysv2 to (system attribute "sys2")
				if sysv2 < 11 then
					set theTarget to text field 1
					set theTarget to combo box 1
				end if
				# Defines the path of the folder where the file must be saved
				set value of theTarget to POSIXDestFolder
				-- title of buttons --> {"Aller", "Annuler"}
				keystroke return # ditto click button 1 (ou Aller)
			end tell # sheet 1
			-- name of buttons --> {"Enregistrer", "Nouveau dossier", "Annuler"}
			click button 1
		end tell # sheet 1
	end tell # window 1
end tell # system Events & process

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 3 janvier 2017 21:27:26

Big surprise this morning.

I re-ran the script which I used to test your code :

set attachmentsFolder to (path to downloads folder) as text

tell application "Mail"
	set selectedMessages to the selection
	repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
		repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
			set originalName to name of theAttachment
			set savePath to attachmentsFolder & originalName
				save theAttachment in file (savePath)
			end try
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

This time it behaved flawlessly.
I was able to reproduce the odd behavior when I replaced the instruction defining the destination folder by :
[format]set attachmentsFolder to (path to desktop) as text[/format]
On december 24th I was getting : → error “Pour afficher ou modifier vos autorisations, sélectionnez l’élément dans le Finder, puis choisissez Fichier > Lire les informations.” number -10000 with every folder.

I made other attempts with the Documents folder for instance

It’s really puzzling because all the tested folders, including the one where I was accustomed to save my attachments
(path to documents folder as text) & “Attachments:”
have the same permissions :
me : read-write
everyone : unauthorized access (translated from the french Accès interdit)

I have no idea of what may explain that.

I made a complementary test. As it is positive, it give an efficient scheme.

set folderName to "attachments" # Change the name if you wish
set downloadFolder to (path to downloads folder as text) # Don't change this instruction
set attachmentsFolder to downloadFolder & folderName & ":" # Don't remove the ending colon
tell application "System Events"
	if not (exists folder attachmentsFolder) then
		make new folder at end of folder downloadFolder with properties {name:folderName}
	end if
end tell

tell application "Mail"
	set selectedMessages to every message of mailbox "aaa"
	repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
		repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
			set PosixName to name of theAttachment
			# CAUTION, if the name of the file contain some slashes,
			# it replace them by colons. So the next instruction reset the slashs.
			set originalName to my remplace(PosixName, ":", "/")
			set savePath to attachmentsFolder & originalName
				save theAttachment in file (savePath)
			end try
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

replaces every occurences of d1 by d2 in the text t
on remplace(t, d1, d2)
	local oTIDs, l
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d1}
	set l to text items of t
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d2
	set t to l as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
	return t
end remplace


If the attachmentsFolder didn’t existed at first execution the script creates it.
Once it’s done, we may attach a folder action script to the folder so that it moves the files to the folder of our choice in which - at this time - we can’t store them directly.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 4 janvier 2017 12:27:58

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I’ve looked at another solution.

I guess (for my use), I could do a search for the specific item that are not older than 24hrs I need in the folder : “~/Library/Containers/ Downloads/” once every 24hrs. And copy those to the folder which handles the rest of the script.

Im just guessing that will work too. Haven’t tried it yet.


Here is a neater scheme using a tip which I got in

set attachmentsFolder to "Volumes:folder1:folder2:"
set attachmentsFolder to (path to documents folder as text) & "4attachments:"
--set attachmentsFolder to (path to desktop as text) & "4attachments:"
--return attachmentsFolder
tell application "System Events"
	if not (exists folder attachmentsFolder) then error "the folder " & attachmentsFolder & " doesn't exist!"
end tell
tell application "Mail"
	set theMessages to the selection
	set selectedMessages to theMessages
	repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
		repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
			# CAUTION: if the Hfs name of an attachment contain a slash, Mail replace it by a colon
				set originalName to name of theAttachment
				if originalName contains ":" then
					set savePath to my remplace(originalName, ":", "/")
				end if
				set savePath to attachmentsFolder & originalName
				close access (open for access savePath) # THE TIP
				# As this script is a workaround for Sierra 10.12.2/3, «class furl» is available
				set POSIXPath to POSIX path of savePath
				tell me to set savePath to POSIX file POSIXPath
				tell me to set savePath to savePath as «class furl»
				save theAttachment in savePath
			end try
		end repeat # theAttachment
	end repeat # theMessage
end tell # Mail

replaces every occurences of d1 by d2 in the text t
on remplace(t, d1, d2)
	local oTIDs, l
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d1}
	set l to text items of t
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d2
	set t to l as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
	return t
end remplace


The main tip is the instruction
close access (open for access savePath) # THE TIP

Don’t forget the instructions replacing a possible colon in the attachment name returned by Mail.
This app returns the file name in POSIX format so the colon is the counterpart of a slash existing in the Hfs name.
If we drop these instructions we will get an awful “file unavailable” error.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 12 janvier 2017 13:22:14

It works flawlessly … Perfect!

But Im having trouble getting Apple to run the rule automatically. Thats probably due to my mail rules settings though.

I have three different things that will happend to the incoming emails :

  1. Move the email to a specific folder in my
  2. Mark the email as read.
  3. Run the Applescript (above)

I’ve added :

using terms from application "Mail"
	on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule SAVE_ATTACHMENT_SIERRA

	end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from

But it did nothing.

However if I manually run the rules for the email I select. It saves the attachment perfectly.

Wierd. Will have to investigate


I made several attempts but I never got a rule able to run an applescript.

Bingo. Today I’m more lucky. I was able to get a script running.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 13 janvier 2017 11:09:10

Here is where I am.
I edited the script a bit because the compiler refused to compile the instruction

set attachmentsFolder to (path to documents folder as text) & "4attachments:"

I replaced tell application “System Events” by tell application “Finder” because with the original instruction the existing folder was not seen.
As you may see, I added several say instructions to trace the execution.
At this time execution reach point 7 but fail to execute the instruction

set theAttachments to theMessage's mail attachments

Here is the script called by the rule :

using terms from application "Mail"
	on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule SAVE_ATTACHMENT_SIERRA
		say "point 1"
		tell application "Finder"
			tell me to say "point 2"
			tell me to set attachmentsFolder to (path to documents folder as text) & "4attachments:"
			tell me to say "point 3"
			if not (exists folder attachmentsFolder) then
				tell me to say "the folder " & attachmentsFolder & " doesn't exist!"
				error "the folder " & attachmentsFolder & " doesn't exist!"
			end if
			tell me to say "point 4"
		end tell
		say "point 5"
		tell application "Mail"
			set selectedMessages to theMessages
			tell me to say "point 6"
			repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
				tell me to say "point 7"
				set theAttachments to theMessage's mail attachments
				tell me to say "point 8"
				tell me to say (get count of theAttachments)
				repeat with theAttachment in theAttachments
					tell me to say "point 9"
					# CAUTION: if the Hfs name of an attachment contain a slash, Mail replace it by a colon
						set originalName to name of theAttachment
						tell me to say "point 10"
						tell me to say originalName
						if originalName contains ":" then
							set savePath to my remplace(originalName, ":", "/")
						end if
						set savePath to attachmentsFolder & originalName
						tell me to say "point 11"
						tell me to say savePath
						tell me to close access (open for access savePath) # THE TIP
						tell me to say "point 12"
						# As this script is a workaround for Sierra 10.12.2/3, «class furl» is available
						set POSIXPath to POSIX path of savePath
						tell me to set savePath to POSIX file POSIXPath
						tell me to set savePath to savePath as «class furl»
						tell me to say "point 13"
						save theAttachment in savePath
						tell me to say "point 14"
					end try
				end repeat # theAttachment
			end repeat # theMessage
		end tell # Mail
	end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from

replaces every occurences of d1 by d2 in the text t
on remplace(t, d1, d2)
	local oTIDs, l
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d1}
	set l to text items of t
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d2
	set t to l as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
	return t
end remplace


and here is the script used to mimic the one above.

tell application "Mail"
	set theMessages to (get the selection)
end tell

say "point 1"
tell application "Finder"
	tell me to say "point 2"
	tell me to set attachmentsFolder to (path to documents folder as text) & "4attachments:"
	tell me to say "point 3"
	if not (exists folder attachmentsFolder) then
		tell me to say "the folder " & attachmentsFolder & " doesn't exist!"
		error "the folder " & attachmentsFolder & " doesn't exist!"
	end if
	tell me to say "point 4"
end tell
say "point 5"
tell application "Mail"
	set selectedMessages to theMessages
	tell me to say "point 6"
	repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
		tell me to say "point 7"
		set theAttachments to theMessage's mail attachments
		tell me to say "point 8"
		tell me to say (get count of theAttachments) --> say 1
		repeat with theAttachment in theAttachments
			tell me to say "point 9"
			# CAUTION: if the Hfs name of an attachment contain a slash, Mail replace it by a colon
				set originalName to name of theAttachment
				tell me to say "point 10"
				tell me to say originalName --> say "bouquins.rtf"
				if originalName contains ":" then
					set savePath to my remplace(originalName, ":", "/")
				end if
				set savePath to attachmentsFolder & originalName
				tell me to say "point 11"
				tell me to say savePath --> say "SSD 500:Users:myHome:Documents:4attachments:bouquins.rtf"
				tell me to close access (open for access savePath) # THE TIP
				tell me to say "point 12"
				# As this script is a workaround for Sierra 10.12.2/3, «class furl» is available
						set POSIXPath to POSIX path of savePath
						tell me to set savePath to POSIX file POSIXPath
				tell me to set savePath to savePath as «class furl»
				tell me to say "point 13"
				save theAttachment in savePath
				tell me to say "point 14"
			end try
		end repeat # theAttachment
	end repeat # theMessage
end tell # Mail

replaces every occurences of d1 by d2 in the text t
on remplace(t, d1, d2)
	local oTIDs, l
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d1}
	set l to text items of t
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d2
	set t to l as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
	return t
end remplace


This late version behaves flawlessly so I’m hitting a wall : why is the instruction

set theAttachments to theMessage's mail attachments

failing when the script is triggered by the rule ?

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 13 janvier 2017 12:47:45

I found this info about having Applescript execute properly under Mail rules :

The article is from 2013, so its way back under earlier OS X versions I guess. But the writer has a point, in the middle part… Quoting:

“But I have found that the most problems appear when running scripts are combined in a rule that also moves the message to another mailbox. It is almost like the moving will appear asynchronous such that the script fails to find it and therefore cannot parse the necessary info it needs to run right.”

I removed all my other rule actions (mark email as read and move email to a different email-folder). Then it actually seems to work. Leaving just the “Run applescript” action.

I can live with marking the emails as read manually myself, or if it would be possible to include that in the applescript it self… at some point :

set read status of selectedMessages to true


Thanks but the script which I am testing is the only item triggered by the rule. This one moves nothing, changes no attribute. It only triggers the script.
I studied an other track to do the job but it failed.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 13 janvier 2017 18:26:30


With which system were you able - if you ever did - to save the attachments with a script triggered by a rule ?
As it fails with 10.12.2, I tried with 10.12.1 : fails too.
I tried with 10.11.5 : fails too.

It fails always upon the instruction : set theAttachments to theMessage’s mail attachments.

As I was tired to hit a wall I decided to try an other scheme.
It rely upon three files.

A script attached to a rule which apply no change to the messages

tell application "Mail"
	set test_list to selection
	tell me to perform mail action with messages (test_list)
end tell
# Entry point used by the Mail rule
using terms from application "Mail"
	on perform mail action with messages theMessages --for rule SAVE_ATTACHMENT_SIERRA
		tell application "Mail"
			set theList to {}
			repeat with theMessage in theMessages
				set messageID to (get message id of theMessage)
				set end of theList to messageID
			end repeat
		end tell
		set theString to my recolle(theList, linefeed)
		tell application "Finder"
			tell me to set thePath to ((path to desktop) as text) & "messagesIDs_sDIsegassem.txt" # Adjust to fit your needs
		end tell
		my writeto(thePath, theString, «class utf8», false)
		tell application "Finder"
			set theApp to open ((path to desktop as text) & "") as alias # Adjust to fit your needs
		end tell
	end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from


on recolle(l, d)
	local oTIDs, t
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d}
	set t to l as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
	return t
end recolle

Handler borrowed to Regulus6633 -
on writeto(targetFile, theData, dataType, apendData)
	-- targetFile is the path to the file you want to write
	-- theData is the data you want in the file.
	-- dataType is the data type of theData and it can be text, list, record etc.
	-- apendData is true to append theData to the end of the current contents of the file or false to overwrite it
		set targetFile to targetFile as «class furl»
		set openFile to open for access targetFile with write permission
		if not apendData then set eof of openFile to 0
		write theData to openFile starting at eof as dataType
		close access openFile
		return true
	on error
			close access targetFile
		end try
		return false
	end try
end writeto


The script creates the second file which contain the message id of every passed message.

When the 2nd file is written, the script call the 3rd file which is a script saved as an application.

on run
	set finalMailBox to "aaa/aac" # Edit to fit your needs
	# Builds the path to the text file containing the message IDs.
	# It must match the path defined by the script triggered by the rule
	set thePath to ((path to desktop) as text) & "messagesIDs_sDIsegassem.txt" #
	# Read the message IDs
	set theIDs to paragraphs of (read file thePath)
	# Build the list of messages
	set theMessages to {}
	repeat with anID in theIDs
		set end of theMessages to my searchMail(anID)
	end repeat
	tell me to say "point 2"
	# Build the path to the folder were attachments must be saved
	set attachmentsFolder to (path to documents folder as text) & "4attachments:" # Edit to fit your needs
	tell application "Finder" # was System Events
		tell me to say "point 3"
		if not (exists folder attachmentsFolder) then
			tell me
				say "point 4"
				error "the folder " & attachmentsFolder & " doesn't exist!"
			end tell # current application
		end if
	end tell
	tell application "Mail"
		tell me to say "point 6"
		tell me to say "il y a " & (count theMessages) & " messages"
		set pass to 0
		repeat with theMessage in theMessages
			set pass to pass + 1
			tell me to say "point 7 message " & pass
			set theAttachments to every mail attachment of theMessage # FAILS when called by a rule
			tell me
				say "point 8 message " & pass
				say (get count of theAttachments) --> say 1
			end tell # current application
			set attch to 0
			repeat with theAttachment in theAttachments
				set attch to attch + 1
				tell me to say "point 9 message " & pass & " attachment " & attch
				# CAUTION: if the Hfs name of an attachment contain a slash, Mail replace it by a colon
					set originalName to name of theAttachment
					tell me
						say "point 10 message " & pass & " attachment " & attch
						say originalName --> say "bouquins.rtf"
						if originalName contains ":" then
							set savePath to my remplace(originalName, ":", "/")
						end if
						set savePath to attachmentsFolder & originalName
						say "point 11 message " & pass & " attachment " & attch
						--say savePath --> say "SSD 500:Users:myHome:Documents:4attachments:bouquins.rtf"
						close access (open for access savePath)
						say "point 12 message " & pass & " attachment " & attch
						# As this script is a workaround for Sierra 10.12.2/3, «class furl» is available
						set POSIXPath to POSIX path of savePath
						tell me to set savePath to POSIX file POSIXPath
						set savePath to savePath as «class furl»
						say "point 13 message " & pass & " attachment " & attch
					end tell # current application
					save theAttachment in savePath
					tell me to say "point 14 message " & pass & " attachment " & attch & " is saved"
				end try
			end repeat # theAttachment
			set read status of theMessage to true
			tell me to say "point 15 message " & pass
			move theMessage to mailbox "aaa/aac"
			tell me to say "point 16 message " & pass
		end repeat # theMessage
	end tell # Mail
end run

on searchMail(messageID)
	tell application "Mail"
		repeat with a in accounts
			repeat with mb in mailboxes of a
				set x to (messages whose message id is messageID) of mb
				--	if length of x is greater than 0 then return (item 1 of x)
				if (count x) > 0 then return (item 1 of x)
			end repeat
		end repeat
		repeat with mb in mailboxes
			set x to (messages whose message id is messageID) of mb
			--	if length of x is greater than 0 then return (item 1 of x)
			if (count x) > 0 then return (item 1 of x)
		end repeat
	end tell
end searchMail

This late item will read the text file containing every message id .
It use them to build a list of references to the messages
If a message has attachments they are saved in the dedicated folder
The read status of the message is set to true
The message is moved to the dedicated mailbox.

I know that it’s awful but at least, it does the job.

Of course, if you decide to use the scripts, it would be a good idea to remove the instructions say something which are just useful to trace the script behavior during tests.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 14 janvier 2017 18:27:02

Im on Sierra 10.12.2 now. And Apple version 10.2 (3259).

Im currently able to save the attachments in a folder (dropbox folder if that matters) using a rule that triggers this script :

using terms from application "Mail"
	on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
		set attachmentsFolder to "Users:niklas:Dropbox:folder1:folder2:"
		--set attachmentsFolder to (path to documents folder as text) & "4attachments:"
		--set attachmentsFolder to (path to desktop as text) & "4attachments:"
		--return attachmentsFolder
		tell application "System Events"
			if not (exists folder attachmentsFolder) then error "the folder " & attachmentsFolder & " doesn't exist!"
		end tell
		tell application "Mail"
			set theMessages to the selection
			set selectedMessages to theMessages
			repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
				repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
					# CAUTION: if the Hfs name of an attachment contain a slash, Mail replace it by a colon
						set originalName to name of theAttachment
						if originalName contains ":" then
							set savePath to my remplace(originalName, ":", "/")
						end if
						set savePath to attachmentsFolder & originalName
						close access (open for access savePath) # THE TIP
						# As this script is a workaround for Sierra 10.12.2/3, «class furl» is available
				set POSIXPath to POSIX path of savePath
				tell me to set savePath to POSIX file POSIXPath
						tell me to set savePath to savePath as «class furl»
						save theAttachment in savePath
					end try
				end repeat # theAttachment
			end repeat # theMessage
			set read status of theMessages to true
		end tell # Mail
	end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from

replaces every occurences of d1 by d2 in the text t
on remplace(t, d1, d2)
	local oTIDs, l
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d1}
	set l to text items of t
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d2
	set t to l as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
	return t
end remplace


But it only seems to work when having just one action connected to the Mail Rule, that is “Run Applescript” so Im not able to move the message to a specific email folder or even mark it as read…

(This is just my thoughts, but it appears when adding more actions to the rule in mail, sort the actions uncorrectly, i.e moving the first action (that I would like to be) “Run Applescript” to the bottom if I add “Mark email as read” and “Move to different folder”. So thats why looses the references to the mail that applescript is supposed to be working with later on… But I don’t know how to confirm that.)

Im too novice with Applescript, been using it for about a month or two, I’ve just googled and picked up bits and pieces from here and there and put together my script :slight_smile: But its a lot of fun :slight_smile: Maybe there is a way to solve this with the unique message id’s, I wouldn’t know how to do that yet.


I will try to run the system in English to see if the oddity striking here is linked to the French localisation.
The problem has nothing common with the inability to write in a custom folder which is solved by the
close access (open for access savePath) # THE TIP instruction.
Here, when the script is triggered by a rule it fails when it reach the instruction :
repeat with theAttachment in theMessage’s mail attachments
It’s to try to see what is failing that I split the instruction in two parts:
set theAttachments to theMessage’s mail attachments
repeat with theAttachment in theAttachments.

When testing in Script Debugger I discovered that repeat with theAttachment in theMessage’s mail attachments has no raw format (chevrons one).
This is why I edited as :
set theAttachments to every attachment of theMessage
which, when I ask for raw syntax appears as :
set theAttachments to every «class atts» of theMessage

Everything behaves well when the script is called by:

tell application "Mail"
   set test_list to selection
   tell me to perform mail action with messages (test_list)
end tell

When triggered by a rule which does no other task, the script execute the say “point 7” instruction but fails to execute the instruction
set theAttachments to every attachment of theMessage.
The fact that the script fails if you ask the rule to do what you described before isn’t too surprising.
Changing the read status isn’t a problem but when the rule move a message in a mailbox, it seems that the script receive the original location, not the new one.

In the message #16 you may find the instructions to add to your code so that it change the read status and moves the message in a dedicated mailbox.

         end repeat # theAttachment # existing instruction

           set read status of theMessage to true
           -- tell me to say "point 15 message " & pass
           move theMessage to mailbox "aaa/aac" # EDIT to fit your needs
           -- tell me to say "point 16 message " & pass

       end repeat # theMessage # existing instruction

I’m a bit skeptical because the instruction
set attachmentsFolder to “Users:niklas:Dropbox:folder1:folder2:”
doesn’t define a valid path. The name of the volume is missing !

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 14 janvier 2017 19:27:38

It’s perfectly foolish.
I re-tested with the code borrowed from your late message and the attachment was not moved.

I re-booted in English and the same code behaved flawlessly so I thought that there is a bug dedicated to French localization.

I re-booted in French and to be sure I made an other attempt. This time the attachments were correctly saved.

I must assume that something was odd in a file which was repaired when I ran in English.

I took time to test the script with the added instructions listed before.
It worked flawlessly. Of course you will have to edit the instruction moving to a mailbox because I doubt that “aaa/aac” exists on your machine.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 14 janvier 2017 20:05:54

At last I found why your script seems to work.
It’s not working upon the list of messages massed by the rule, it’s working upon what is selected in Mail.

    tell application "Mail"
           set theMessages to the selection # THE INSTRUCTION WHICH FOOLED US
           set selectedMessages to theMessages

Remove the instruction grabbing the selection and you will not get the attachments saved.
If we want to save files attached to selected messages, a script triggered by a rule isn’t the good scheme.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 15 janvier 2017 17:00:03