Here’s a Mail Rule I wrote to do the following:
- Check all incoming messages for attachments
- For every new message with attachments, create a new folder named
for the message’s subject and date. Save the attachments in the
folder. - Save the message’s body text in the same folder, as a .txt file.
- Send an outgoing email reporting the name(s) and file size(s) of
the saved attachments. - Open the Finder window(s) of the newly made folder(s).
It all works perfectly when run from the Script Editor. But when run as a
Mail Rule, it only does steps 1 and 2. If anyone can tell me how to
fix it, I will mail you a can of soup!
I know this script doesn’t have a real nifty structure - I would also appreciate any tips for general streamlining.
NOTE: It helps to set Mail’s prefs to always display messages as plain text,
not HTML. This requires a change to the plist file which is in the
intro comments.
(*Mail attachment save script by Luke Jaeger [url=][/url]
This script will mine a list of Mail messages for attachments and save them to a destination you choose.
The script creates a subfolder for each message with attachments, named with the subject of the message and its date sent. All
attachments are saved with their original names. Messages without attachments are ignored.
After running, the script will send a mail message detailing what was saved.
The script is ready to use as a rule action in Mail - just fill in the specifics of your destination folder and recipient.
I wrote this script to deal with large art files sent to me via Mail. Hope you find it useful!
NOTE: Saving message text as .txt file works best if you set Mail to always display plain text.
Here's how: in Terminal, paste this text --> defaults write PreferPlainText -bool TRUE
--comment the first two lines ("using terms." and "on perform.") and their accompanying "end" statements when testing. Uncomment them to use this script as a Mail rule function.
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule UploadEm
tell application "Mail"
--comment the following line when running this script as a rule function - uncomment it for testing
--set theMessages to selection
set theGoodName to ""
set theFileList to ""
set theFolderList to {}
set theTextFileName to ""
set theTextFileContents to ""
tell application "Finder"
mount volume "afp://myserver" as user name "username" with password "password"
set theParentFolder to folder "Folder" of disk "Server Volume"
end tell
repeat with thisMessage in theMessages
--does the message have attachments? if not, then skip it
if (every mail attachment of thisMessage) ≠{} then
--make a subfolder for each message, named by subject & date sent
set theBadName to (subject of thisMessage) & " | " & ((date sent of thisMessage) as string)
--delete colons from subfolder name so Finder doesn't choke on them!
set myChars to every character of theBadName
repeat with i from 1 to (count of myChars)
if item i of myChars ≠":" then
set theGoodName to theGoodName & item i of myChars
set theGoodName to theGoodName & "."
end if
end repeat
--does subfolder already exist? If not, create it
tell application "Finder"
if (exists folder theGoodName of theParentFolder) then
set theSubFolder to ((theParentFolder as string) & (theGoodName as string)) as alias
set theSubFolder to (make new folder at theParentFolder with properties {name:theGoodName})
end if
end tell
--save the attachment(s) to the subfolder
set theAttachments to (every mail attachment of thisMessage)
repeat with thisAttachment in theAttachments
set thePath to (theSubFolder as string) & (name of thisAttachment)
--if same named file already exists in subfolder, skip it and display error message
--otherwise, save it and get its size
save thisAttachment in thePath
if file size of thisAttachment > 1000000 then
set mySize to (((round ((file size of thisAttachment) / 10240)) / 100) as string) & " MB"
set mySize to (((round (file size of thisAttachment) / 1024) + 4) as string) & " KB"
end if
set theFileList to theFileList & return & (name of thisAttachment) & tab & tab & (mySize)
on error
display dialog "Could not save " & (name of thisAttachment) & " to " & thePath & " because of an error (probably because a file with that name already exists)."
end try
end repeat
--build a list of newly created folders for Finder to open at the end
set theFolderList to theFolderList & (theSubFolder as alias)
--save the message text as a .txt file in the subfolder
set theTextFileName to "Message_" & (id of thisMessage as string) & ".txt"
set theTextFileContents to content of thisMessage
tell application "Finder"
set theTextFile to (make new file at theSubFolder with properties {name:theTextFileName}) as alias
open for access theTextFile with write permission
write theTextFileContents to theTextFile
close access theTextFile
end tell
set read status of thisMessage to true
--make a new message to notify art department, if anything was uploaded
if theFileList ≠"" then
tell (make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Files Received - " & (subject of thisMessage), content:"File(s) for " & (subject of thisMessage) & " were uploaded on " & (current date) & "." & return & return & "Name" & tab & tab & "Size" & return & theFileList & return})
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:""}
end tell
end if
end if
end repeat
--open the newly created folders in Finder
tell application "Finder"
open theFolderList
end tell
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
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Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)