Mail Rule script

I wanted to write a script to open the first URL in an incoming new Mail message. I failed to do so and ended up adding a “if then else” to avoid the second URL.
I cannot understand why the script does not work.
I have placed it in /Library/Scripts/Mail Scripts/Rule Actions.
I have set up the rule correctly by choosing “Run applescript”.

using terms from application "Mail"
	on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
		tell application "Mail"
			repeat with eachMessage in theMessages
				set paracnt to (count of paragraphs in eachMessage)
				repeat with pgraph from 1 to paracnt
					set par to the paragraph pgraph of eachMessage
					set str to offset of "http" in par
					if str ≠ 0 then
						set len to length of par
						set addr to characters str through len of par as string
						if addr does not start with "something" then
							display dialog addr
							my openweb(addr)
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			end repeat
		end tell
	end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
on openweb(pge)
	do shell script "open -a Firefox " & pge
	end openweb

Actually, this script works:

tell application "Mail"
	set mes to source of message 1 of mailbox "write the name of one of your mailbox"
	set pcnt to (count of paragraphs in mes)
	repeat with pgraph from 1 to pcnt
		set par to the paragraph pgraph of mes
		set str to offset of "http" in par
		if str ≠ 0 then
			set len to length of par
			set addr to characters str through len of par as string
			set sp to offset of " " in addr
			set qt to offset of quote in addr
			if sp > qt then
				set endaddress to sp - 1
				if qt > sp then
					set endaddress to qt - 1
					set endaddress to length of addr
				end if
			end if
			set addr to characters 1 through endaddress of addr as string
			display dialog addr
			my openweb(addr)
		end if
	end repeat
end tell
on openweb(pge)
	tell application "Safari"
		open location pge
	end tell
end openweb

The first script that you wrote is not working.

I will describe you the Mail rule that I have set up:

If “any” of the following conditions are met
“From” contains “one of my email id”
Perform the following actions:
Move message to mailbox: “some mailbox”
Run applescript <path to the applescript in the “Rule Actions” folder>.

To test the script, i send an email from my other email id containing only one url and nothing else.
The email is moved to the “some mailbox” but nothing else happens.

You misunderstood me.
I had written:
The first script that you wrote is not working.
I had tested your script, not mine.

The script that i showed you in my second post was to tell you that you were not correct regarding

(But, even this script does not work in Mail rule after making the necessary changes)


I am confused about what else you have in mind and what you don’t regarding my problem. Fortunately, I came up with a solution to this.

We will consider an email, the contents of which are known to both of us:
“the new reply notification” email sent from macscripter when a thread to which you are subscribed receives a new post. It looks like this (the email messages that I am trying to use the script on, is also similar to this):

Contents of the message:
Jacques has replied to the topic ‘Mail Rule script’ to which you are subscribed. There may be more new replies, but this is the only notification you will receive until you visit the board again.

The post is located at

You can unsubscribe by going to

MacScripter Mailer
(Do not reply to this message)

Now, try to write a script which opens the URL

in Firefox (or Safari, whatever you use)
(and the script should work when attached to a “Mail Rule” having the condition “From” contains “”)

In my tests (not as a rule but as a selection) this works.

repeat with eachMessage in theMessages
		set aList to paragraphs of content of eachMessage
		repeat with par in aList
			set str to the offset of "http" in par
			if str ≠ 0 then
				set addr to text str thru -1 of par
				set str to the offset of " " in addr -- look for a space
					set addr to text 1 thru str of addr -- look for any spaces after the url
				end try
				if addr does not start with "something" then
					my openweb(addr)
					exit repeat
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end repeat

Thanks Mark for the script. I made the necessary additions like “using terms from…” and added the handler,but I still cannot get it to work.
Can you please try it after setting a rule?
(I posted a script above which also works on a selected message but does not work as a rule)
After setting a rule, you can control+click any message and click on “Apply Rules” to test it.


This maybe a bug

Using the say command as a debug.
The script first fails if I use ‘content’ rather than ‘contents’

It also seems the class of contents of the message is coming up as mssg.
rather than text?

here is what I am using to debug.
Just save any changes and then run the rule,
The script will say its progress as the mail rule runs.

property debug : true
using terms from application "Mail"
	on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
		if debug then say 1
		tell application "Mail"
			repeat with eachMessage in theMessages
				if debug then say 2
				set aList to (contents of eachMessage)
				set kclass to class of aList
				if debug then say 3
				--if debug then do shell script "echo " & quoted form of aList & "> mail.txt"
				if debug then say kclass
				set aList to paragraphs of aList
				if debug then say 4
				repeat with par in aList
					set str to the offset of "http" in par
					if str ≠ 0 then
						set addr to text str thru -1 of par
						set str to the offset of " " in addr -- look for a space
							set addr to text 1 thru str of addr -- look for any spaces after the url
						end try
						if addr does not start with "something" then
							my openweb(addr)
							exit repeat
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			end repeat
		end tell
	end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from

I just added the handler:
on openweb(pge)
do shell script "open -a Firefox " & pge
end openweb

and ran the script by clicking on “Apply Rules” to a message.
I heard this:

Yes, thats how I am testing it.

Note the

property debug : true

This is used a switch to switch the Audio type debug on (true) or off (false)
Then note the

if debug then say

these are what you are hearing.

I put a new one along the script to see if the script reaches it.

In this case the script reaches the ‘if debug then say kclass’ and runs it, but does not reach ‘if debug then say 4’
Soscript fails at ‘set aList to paragraphs of aList’

But because I know that should work, I put in the part to get the class of the contents.

Which is coming up as a message?? rather than text.
and thats why the ‘set aList to paragraphs of aList’ part fails the script.

Rather than waste time I used source which is the Raw source of the message
The only thing to worry about is if a message header contains ‘Http’

property debug : true
using terms from application "Mail"
	on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
		if debug then say 1
		tell application "Mail"
			repeat with eachMessage in theMessages
				if debug then say 2
				set aList to source of eachMessage as text
				set kclass to class of aList
				if debug then say 3
				--if debug then do shell script "echo " & quoted form of aList & "> mail2.txt"
				if debug then say kclass
				set aList to paragraphs of aList
				if debug then say 4
				repeat with par in aList
					set str to the offset of "http" in par
					if str ≠ 0 then
						set addr to text str thru -1 of par
						set str to the offset of " " in addr -- look for a space
							set addr to text 1 thru str of addr -- look for any spaces after the url
						end try
						if addr does not start with "something" then
							my openweb(addr)
							if debug then say 6
							exit repeat
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			end repeat
		end tell
	end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
on openweb(pge)
	do shell script "open -a Safari " & pge
end openweb

I was just about to quote the

to say that it should be commented and you just removed it. :slight_smile:

The script works fine. Thanks a lot, for the help.

Can you not add some code to ignore the message header?