Mail Script

I have a script that gathers info stored in a Numbers table and composes and email.

The email recipient addresses are all stored in a single cell and formatted as links.

The script works fine when there is a single address in that cell.

However, when there are multiple addresses in the cell, the message is correctly generated but the Mail app “holds” the message for me to approve with the error message noting that the to: field does not appear to contain a valid email address.

Need help resolving that. Relevant portion of the script is below.

And thanks!!!

set recipientAddress to value of first cell of range ("F" & rowNum)

tell application "Mail"
					--Create the message
					set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true}
					--Set the recipient
					tell theMessage
						make new to recipient with properties {address:recipientAddress}
					end tell
					send theMessage
				end tell