Mail SpamBot Enhancements

Some people have seen my Apple Mail SpamBot. It’s a dreadfully simple script that spams your chosen recipient with as many emails as you want. Here is the code:

display dialog "Welcome to Mail SpamBot! This script requires Apple Mail to already be set up, so if it isn't, do that. Or, you can quit the script by pressing the Quit button. Imagine that. To continue, press whichever button you think will work." buttons {"Continue", "Quit"} default button "Continue" with icon 1
set qw to button returned of the result
if qw is "Quit" then return
display dialog "Who are you spamming? Enter their email address, and make sure it is CORRECT." with icon 1 default answer ""
set theRecip to text returned of the result
display dialog "How many spam emails do you want to send them? Enter an even number, with no other characters. Keep in mind that sending each one takes time." with icon 1 default answer ""
set theNum to the text returned of the result
	set theNum to theNum as integer
on error
end try

display dialog "What is the subject of the message?" with icon 1 default answer "You are getting spammed"
set theSubject to text returned of the result
display dialog "What is the content of the message?" with icon 1 default answer "You are getting spammed"
set theContent to text returned of the result
repeat theNum times
	tell application "Mail"
		set theMessage to make new outgoing message
		tell theMessage
			set content to theContent
			set subject to theSubject
			make new to recipient at beginning of to recipients ¬
				with properties {address:theRecip, name:"GettingSpammed"}
		end tell
		send theMessage
	end tell
end repeat
on idiot()
	display dialog "That isn't an even number you idiot. Now you have to restart the whole script." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon 2
end idiot

It works fine as is, but when I use it it seems to have a flaw. Since the send function is part of the repeat loop, it has to send each message before starting the next one. What I am thinking is some method of creating all of the messages first, and then sending them all. How I would go about this I am not really sure. Any ideas?