Hello all! I’ve been cruising these forums for a while, but I need some help. I looked around for it, and I’m too much of a n00b to use anything I found. Sorry, and thanks, in advance!
In a nutshell, this script takes a picture that is taken with Photo Booth, and watermarks it using iMagine Photo. I got the script working just fine on its own, but I need to make it into a folder action script, so that it watermarks the image that gets added to the folder /users/whatever/Picutres/Photo Booth/. The file will always be called “Photo 1.jpg” because I delete the original at the end of the code, and move the watermarked result to the desktop.
Here’s my code:
set waterMarkFile to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:demo:Desktop:pb:wm1.png"
set thisImage to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:demo:Pictures:Photo Booth:Photo 1.jpg"
set finalFile to "Macintosh HD:Users:demo:Desktop:Watermarked Image.jpg"
set amountToBlend to 90
tell application "iMagine Photo"
-- import image and watermark and create a window to draw them to.
set waterMarkImporter to import graphic waterMarkFile
set thisImporter to import graphic thisImage
set {x, y, xDim, yDim} to the natural bounds of thisImporter
set thisDocument to make new window document with properties {dimensions:{xDim, yDim}}
set the drawing destination of thisImporter to thisDocument
set the drawing destination of waterMarkImporter to thisDocument
draw thisImporter
-- scaling and positioning code for the watermark
set {x, y, xWDim, yWDim} to the natural bounds of waterMarkImporter
set scaleX to xDim / xWDim
set scaleY to yDim / yWDim
set theTop to 0
set theLeft to 0
if scaleY is less than scaleX then
set scaleX to scaleY
set theLeft to ((xDim - (scaleX * xWDim)) / 2) as integer
set scaleY to scaleX
set theTop to ((yDim - (scaleY * yWDim)) / 2) as integer
end if
set the scale of waterMarkImporter to {scaleX, scaleY}
set the top left point of waterMarkImporter to {theLeft, theTop}
set amountToBlend to (amountToBlend / 100) * 65535 as integer
set blendOpColor to {amountToBlend, amountToBlend, amountToBlend}
set the drawing mode of waterMarkImporter to {graphics mode:alpha blend, opcolor:blendOpColor}
draw waterMarkImporter
set export file location of thisDocument to finalFile
export thisDocument
close thisDocument
close thisImporter
close waterMarkImporter
quit "iMagine Photo"
end tell
set filetodel to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:demo:Pictures:Photo Booth:Photo 1.jpg"
tell application "Finder"
delete filetodel
end tell
tell application "Finder"
empty the trash
end tell
Like I said… I’m a noob. Be gentle, and I hope someone can help. As it stands, I can’t attach it to a folder… Because I can’t get it to do the “add new items” thing.