I know this is probably a stupid question but I can’t seem to get my text variable to be a number variable. Here’s my silly try at it:
display dialog "Set the max dimension of new images (in pixels):" default answer "1000"
set the_size to the text returned of the result
set the_size to the_size as number
if the_size is not number then
display dialog "Entered text was not a number, so the max dimension has been set to 1000 pixels." with icon note giving up after 30
end if
display dialog "Set the max dimension of new images (in pixels):" default answer "1000"
set the_size to the text returned of the result as integer
exit repeat
on error
display dialog "Entered text was not a number, so the max dimension has been set to 1000 pixels." & ¬
return & "Try it again!" with icon note giving up after 3
end try
end repeat
display dialog "Set the max dimension of new images (in pixels):" default answer "1000"
set the_size to the (text returned of the result) as text
if (class of the_size) is string then
display dialog "Entered text was not a number, so the max dimension has been set to 1000 pixels." with icon note giving up after 30
end if
set the_size to the_size as number
if (class of the_size) is string then
display dialog "Entered text was not a number, so the max dimension has been set to 1000 pixels." with icon note giving up after 30
display dialog "Entered text is now a number: " & the_size
end if