Make every folder List View?

I don’t like the default icon view, is there a way to change the preferences of every folder so they are list view? I’d like to run the script at the root directory and modify every folder on my machine.

I need this for Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4.

Is there anything in the finder dictionary for views? I don’t recall anything. You can use finder prefs to switch everything to collumn view. Takes a bit of getting used to…

Hi sebastijan,

The script below will probably do this (depending on rights). It is not hugely fast (took just under 4 mins to do my Home folder), but does not tie up the Finder. I have only tried it on 10.4, but I don’t think there is anything in it that wouldn’t work on 10.3.

set aFolder to choose folder
set myThen to current date -- time checker
recursiveHandler(aFolder as list)
display dialog "Views change done in " & ((current date) - myThen) & " seconds." -- time checker

on recursiveHandler(theFolders)
	repeat with myFolder in theFolders
		tell application "Finder"
			set current view of (container window of (alias (myFolder as text))) to list view -- Options are (icon view/list view/column view)
			set folderList to folders of folder (myFolder as text)
			my recursiveHandler(folderList) -- call this handler with the folders of this folder
		end tell
	end repeat
end recursiveHandler

Best wishes

John M

tnx John M.

I have still one question… I have problem with listview (script) for network folders, can you help me?


What problem are you having?

John M

I have problem with connecting to server…

mount volume “afp://word word:@server_ip/”

word word is username and has no password. when i try to connect by Finder is ok.

Hi sebastijan,

I’m not sure what your problem with mount volume has to do with folder views.

Try posting your script in a new topic to get more help on this.

Best wishes

John M