Make Filename all Uppercase

I’m a complete Noob. I’m trying to learn applescript so I can intergrate it with filemaker pro. Right now I have FM exporting docs to a directory on the desktop called “Export”
I need an apple script that can change the case of all files in the EXPORT folder to uppercase.

I’m completely clue less. Can anyone help? Also does anyone know where I can get some beginner’s material on apple script?

Welcome to the forums.

This forum is for Mac OS 7.5 – 9.2.2. If you’re running OS X, the post should be moved (and I’ll move it for you to where it will get more attention).

In the meantime:

property lowerStr : "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzáà âäãåæçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõøœúùûüÿ"

set EX to choose folder -- the Export folder path

tell application "Finder"
		set F to files of entire contents of EX as alias list
	on error -- only one file
		set F to files of entire contents of EX as alias as list
	end try
	repeat with aFile in F
		set N to name of aFile
		set name of aFile to chCase(N)
	end repeat
end tell

to chCase(aName)
	set Ch to characters of aName
	repeat with aChar in Ch
		if aChar is in lowerStr then set contents of aChar to character (offset of aChar in lowerStr) of upperStr
	end repeat
	return Ch as string
end chCase

I don’t know if it just my machine, but I had to put “my” before chCase(N) in the following line:
set name of aFile to my chCase(N)

I think it is because, since we are in a Finder tell block, applescript needs to know that the chCase(N) function is in itself rather than a function of Finder. Am I correct?