make movie from one day of webcam pictures at 60 second intervals

I’m trying to make a movie of 1 day of webcam images at 60 second intervals.
I found this script and altered it but it doesn’t seem to do anything.
The play button immediately quits.
I understand you need to have this open while it is capturing images and storing them in a file.

global cnt

set cnt to 0

on idle
	set cnt to cnt + 1
	do shell script "curl -o " & quoted form of ("/Volumes/Motu Tapu/Cruz Bay project/cruzbay" & cnt & ".jpg")
	return 60 --> seconds
end idle

also, any idea’s on what is the best way to stitch the images together in an mpeg4.264 file?

You have to save the script as an Application, with Stay open ticked, and then run it as a normal app

QuickTime Pro > Image Sequence

one question though.
How do I use Ical to run this application?
I can run a script but I don’t know of a way to run the app as it is grayed out when I select a script.

From the alarm drop down box, choose Open File
