Make new alias problem!!!!

The problem :
With AppleScript Studio (xcode) it doesn’t create an alias on the desktop.
with AppleScript Editor this little script works.

rara what’s different??

set TheName to "username"
set ThePass to "password"
set TheFolder to ":Volumes:users:users:" & TheName
set ThePath to "afp://" & TheName
	mount volume ThePath as user name TheName with password ThePass
	delay 1
	tell application "Finder" to open folder "Documents" of folder TheFolder
on error
	display dialog "Er is iets fout gegaan bij het inloggen, controleer studentnr. en/of wachtwoord." with icon 2 buttons {"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 5
end try
	tell application "Finder"
		(make new alias at (path to desktop folder) with properties {name:"Mijn Documenten"} to alias TheFolder)
	end tell
on error
	display dialog "Er is iets fout gegaan bij het aanmaken van een alias" with icon 2 buttons {"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 5
end try