Makeing Several attachments at a time in entourage!

Hello to all! I have develop a simple script that crearte a new message with a attachment, code looks like this:

tell application “Microsoft Entourage”
make new outgoing message at out box folder ¬
with properties ¬
{to recipients:"", content:“Something…”, attachment:“untitled:Desktop Folder:filename.doc”}
end try
end tell

This works fine, but know I am in the need of attaching more than one file, I thought that separating the filepaths with commas would do it… but that is not the case!

does someone out there know a way of doing this!

Thank you for your time!


Simply provide a list of attachments:

[...], attachments: {alias "path:to:file1.txt", alias "path:to:file2.txt"}[...]

I am trying to attach an incoming email to a new outgoing email as an attachment.

How would I go about finding the “path to Incoming message id”

property emailAddress : "myaddress"
property theSubject : ""
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
		set counter to count of messages in folder id 6--Junk e-mail folder
	repeat with i from 1 to counter
		set fwdMessage to message i in folder id 6
			set newMsg to make new draft window with properties ¬
			{recipient:{address:emailAddress, recipient type:to recipient}, subject:theSubject, content:theSubject, attachment:fwdMessage}
		send newMsg
		--if sendAction is "Send later" then send newMsg with sending later -- move to Outbox
	end repeat
end tell -- Entourage

and this:

property emailAddress : "myaddress"
property theSubject : ""
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
		set counter to count of messages in folder id 6--Junk e-mail folder
	repeat with i from 1 to counter
		set fwdMessage to message i in folder id 6
set thePath to path to fwdMessage
			set newMsg to make new draft window with properties ¬
			{recipient:{address:emailAddress, recipient type:to recipient}, subject:theSubject, content:theSubject, attachment:alias thePath}
		send newMsg
		--if sendAction is "Send later" then send newMsg with sending later -- move to Outbox
	end repeat
end tell -- Entourage

both of these script get errors.

Any ideas? Thanks