Making a text file from a list of files

I know this has been discussed before but forgive me because after hours of searching this site, I can’t find the answer I need.

I’m looking for a script that will simply allow me to choose a folder of files, copy each file and then write it to a text file (though just going to the clipboard would be fine, too).

I tried to modify a script by T.J. Mahaffey that was originally written for OS 9, but I can’t make it work in X.

Thanks in advance,

Does the script in this thread do what you want it to do? Here’s the code:

set output_ to (choose file name with prompt "Choose a name and location for the new file.") 
 set folder_ to (choose folder with prompt "Select the folder containing the text files.") 
 tell application "Finder" to set files_ to files of folder_ as alias list 
    set file_ref to open for access output_ with write permission 
    repeat with file_ in files_ 
       set text_ to read file_ 
       write (text_ & return) to file_ref starting at eof 
    end repeat 
       close access file_ref 
    end try 
 on error e 
    display dialog e 
       close access file_ref 
    end try 
 end try

– Rob

Rob -

Not quite what I was after. I just need the filenames of the files, I don’t need the whole file copied. I didn’t make that very clear in my first post.

So if I have a folder of images 001.jpg, 002.jpg, 003.jpg my text document would just be a list of those filenames (preferrably separated by a return):

Thanks for your help.

Maybe this will work:

set output_ to (choose file name with prompt "Choose a name and location for the new file.")
set folder_ to (choose folder with prompt "Select the folder containing the files whose names should be collected.")
tell application "Finder" to set files_ to files of folder_ as alias list

set names_ to ""
repeat with file_ in files_
	set names_ to names_ & (name of (info for file_) & return)
end repeat

	set file_ref to open for access output_ with write permission
	write names_ to file_ref starting at eof
		close access file_ref
	end try
on error e
	display dialog e
		close access file_ref
	end try
end try

– Rob

Here’s an alternate method that is a bit quicker but has the downside of not filtering out folder names (Rob’s solution will only grab file names) though if your folder only has files, this issue is moot:


[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

Those both work perfectly as I will only have files, no sub folders, in my folders.

Thanks so much to both of you for quick and useful help.

That’s why I love – and have learned so much from – this site.


jon: Thank you for an easy way to write to a text file!

Here is it in handler form:


[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]