making "dialog box" active (on top)

ok so i wrote this lil script as a project for myself and it works fine, my only issue with it is that the dialog box comes up under my active window, (usually safari) so i have to move my safari window or “hide” it to click on the dialog. any suggestions?

display dialog "Do What?" default answer "Flip a Pancake"
copy text returned of the result to myText
repeat 10 times
	say "Time to"
	say myText as string
	tell application "Finder"
		reveal dialog
	end tell
	display dialog "It's done"
	delay 120
end repeat


this is an option

tell application (name of (info for (path to frontmost application))) to display dialog "It's done"

maybe this too…

tell me
	display dialog "It's done"
end tell
